What will You Do to Feel Happier & More Relaxed this Coming Year, as a Caregiver?
With the start of a new year, most of us think about getting organized and decluttering our spaces. We know that we would feel better, be happier, and have the ability to do more. We want it. But, will we invest in the time it takes to get us there? Some will and some will not. Do you see the value of taking time and putting forth the effort to make your life easier, in all areas?
January 4, 2023
What do you value?
What you value, you will make time for. What you value, you will do. It is that simple. It doesn’t matter if you “would like to” or if you “need to,” or even if “I have to.” None of those things matter. You get to decide what you will do or will not do. It really is a decision that you make. Find the health and well-being things that you enjoy.
Nobody likes to do the grunt work. We would all rather do the “fun” stuff, but that is not the way things work. There is an upside. What you take care of now, you won’t have to fool with later and then you get to have more fun. You can get rid of the “I should’s” or the “I need to…” kinds of things and all of the stress that comes with that.
Being Organized is Your Friend (it helps your caregiver stressed brain a rest)
Organization is your friend. Getting organized is a process, it does take time, but it will be worth it in the long run. Think about it, no more searching for 20 minutes and sometimes hours on end. You know where it is and you can go and get it. Being able to put your hands on the information you need is awesome. Think of all the stress you don’t have to deal with because you have your stuff in order.
Organization helps your brain to rest. Your brain needs downtime. That is another article and we will get to that later. Remember, you only have about four hours of focused brain energy every day.
Organization will boost your health. By decreasing your stress, you have already helped your health. You will rest better, sleep better, have a better outlook on life. Organization helps you to control the things that you can control. There are so many things outside of our control, do what you can to manage the things you can.
Organization helps you be healthier. You make time for meal prep. You plan food for your meal times and snacks.
Organization will help you to be more productive. Yep, it’s true. Getting your ducks in the same pond will help you perform your duties better and more easily. They don’t have to be in a row, but they do need to be in the same pond.
Decrease Family Caregiver Overwhelm
Organization decreases overwhelm. How would you like to know who is doing what on each day? How would you like to know what you will or won’t be doing each day? How would you like to know what is coming up so you can make better plans for your days and weeks?
Organization allows for spontaneity and unexpected problems. You know what must be done and can see what needs to be moved to a later date. Things are going to “come up.” And stuff will “hit the fan.” Being able to make adjustments on the fly is what you need and organization helps you to do that.
Feeling Stuck or Paralyzed?
When you feel things are looming over you, you feel stressed and sometimes, that paralyzes you and then you are stuck. Feeling stuck sucks. It is hard to get moving when you feel stuck. If you are already in motion, then all you have to do is readjust or reorient and keep moving forward.
Start with two areas in your life. You get to choose which two
- Your email – read it, do it, delete it, save it in a file folder, and answer it when you read it ** Do email two or three times a day only. Example – beginning of the workday, after lunch, before going home
- Meal prep – every Sunday (or whatever day works best for you)
- Make time for friends and family
- Dedicate 30 minutes – 1 hour to plan your week
- Develop a chores list and when to do them
- Schedule your workout days and times – walking, running, lifting, bicycling, yoga, etc.
- Journalling for 10 – 20 minutes daily
- Reading for 10 – 30 minutes daily
- Social media scrolling and interacting for a maximum of X amt. of minutes or hours per day and set a cutoff time every evening.
- Work from a check-off list
Be consistent! You will get there.
Maybe, you will do better with big bucket areas:
- Leisure time/Hobbies/Interests
- Education/Expanding knowledge
What does organization look like?
- Focus on what is important
- Identify tasks – pick only 3 things at a time
- Use a planner to keep up with the agenda
- Set goals – use SMART system Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound
- Track your progress – Are you achieving your goals in the allotted time? Would it be better to block out periods of time? Find what works best for you.
- Limit your distractions – unnecessary phone calls, texts, emails, other people
- Reprioritize, when necessary
- Take a break – sometimes 5 minutes will do and sometimes you need 20 minutes
- Deep breathe – to help you decrease your stress and to refocus
- Be flexible – bend, don’t break
- Do a brain dump – get it all out so you can be creative, solve problems and imagine. Write down everything you need to do, think of appointments you need to make, bills you need to pay, people you need to see, tasks you need to complete, presentations you need to prepare for and make, etc. Don’t censor yourself and don’t put them in order. The goal is to get it out.
- Be realistic about what you can complete in a day
- Leave space for the unexpected
- Eat the frog – Do it first thing in the morning and get it over with. Tackle the most difficult task first.
- Work for 25 minutes on one project with no interruptions or distractions, then take a break for 5 minutes (get up and walk around). Keep doing this cycle until you are done or as long as you are productive.
- Avoid re-clutter – read it, handle it, throw it away, put it away
- Never leave trash in your car
Oopsie! I messed up…
Yes, you will mess up every now and then. It is okay, no beating yourself up. Start where you are and get back on track. The mess-ups will happen less and less. Getting more organized is to help you. It is another tool for decreasing stress and improving productivity. When you improve your productivity you are less tired both mentally and physically.