Category: Caregiver

Strokes and Emotions: Understanding Rehabilitation Therapy for Survivors and their Caregivers

Older male and female stroke patients exercising at the gym with therapists.

We all know someone or someone who has had a stroke. It may or may not be a family member or a friend, but we at least know of someone who is dealing with stroke recovery. Let’s become more aware and understanding of what these folks and their caregivers are dealing with, we must learn more about what a stroke is and how it impacts lives.

Strokes are a leading cause of long-term disability and the fifth leading cause of death in the United States. A stroke occurs when the blood supply to the brain is interrupted, and the brain cells begin to die. This can cause serious damage to the body, including paralysis, difficulty speaking, and memory loss. However, with early detection and proper treatment, it is possible to recover from a stroke. In this post, we’ll take a closer look at the different types of strokes, their causes, and the road to recovery. We will also explore some effective rehabilitation techniques that can help stroke survivors regain their independence and live a full life. If you or a loved one has suffered from a stroke, this post will provide you with valuable information and resources to help rebuild your life after a stroke.

1. What is a stroke?

A stroke is a medical emergency that occurs when blood flow to the brain is interrupted or reduced. It is a sudden and potentially life-threatening event that requires immediate medical attention. When blood flow is disrupted, the brain doesn’t receive the necessary oxygen and nutrients, leading to brain cell damage or death.

There are two main types of strokes: ischemic and hemorrhagic. Ischemic strokes are the most common, accounting for approximately 85% of all stroke cases. They occur when a blood clot or plaque buildup blocks or narrows a blood vessel in the brain. On the other hand, hemorrhagic strokes happen when a blood vessel ruptures, causing bleeding in the brain.

The signs and symptoms of a stroke can vary depending on the area of the brain affected. Common symptoms include sudden weakness or numbness in the face, arm, or leg, especially on one side of the body. Other warning signs may include difficulty speaking or understanding speech, severe headache, dizziness, and loss of balance or coordination.

Recovering from a stroke can be a long and challenging journey. The extent and speed of recovery depend on several factors, such as the severity of the stroke, the area of the brain affected, and the individual’s overall health. Rehabilitation plays a crucial role in helping stroke survivors regain lost skills and improve their quality of life.

Understanding the nature of strokes and their impact is essential for both stroke survivors and their loved ones. By raising awareness and providing information about strokes, we can contribute to a better understanding of this condition and support those on their road to recovery.

2. Understanding the causes and risk factors of strokes

Understanding the causes and risk factors of strokes is crucial in order to prevent and mitigate the impact of this life-altering event. Strokes occur when the blood supply to the brain is disrupted, leading to the deprivation of oxygen and nutrients to brain cells. This disruption can be caused by a blockage in an artery (ischemic stroke) or the rupture of a blood vessel (hemorrhagic stroke).

There are several risk factors that can increase the likelihood of experiencing a stroke. Some of the most common risk factors include high blood pressure, smoking, high cholesterol levels, diabetes, obesity, and a sedentary lifestyle. These factors can contribute to the development of plaque in the arteries, narrowing them and increasing the risk of blood clots that can lead to a stroke.

Other risk factors to be mindful of are age and family history. The risk of stroke increases with age, particularly in individuals over the age of 55. Additionally, if you have a family history of strokes, you may be more susceptible to experiencing one yourself.

It is important to note that while some risk factors cannot be controlled, such as age and family history, many others can be managed and modified through lifestyle changes. By adopting a healthy lifestyle, which includes regular exercise, a balanced diet, quitting smoking, and managing chronic conditions like hypertension and diabetes, individuals can significantly reduce their risk of stroke.

By understanding the causes and risk factors associated with strokes, individuals can take proactive steps to prevent or minimize the impact of this devastating event. Education and awareness are key in empowering individuals to make informed choices and safeguard their health.

3. Recognizing the signs and symptoms of a stroke

Recognizing the signs and symptoms of a stroke is crucial for early intervention and a better chance at recovery. Strokes are often referred to as “brain attacks” and occur when the blood flow to the brain is disrupted, leading to damage to brain cells. It is important to remember the acronym “FAST” when it comes to identifying the warning signs of a stroke.

F – Face drooping: One of the most common signs of a stroke is drooping or numbness in one side of the face. If you notice that someone’s smile appears uneven or one side of their face is drooping, it could be a red flag for a stroke.

A – Arm weakness: Another telltale sign is weakness or numbness in one arm, making it difficult to lift or control. If a person is unable to raise both arms or experiences sudden weakness in one arm, it could indicate a stroke.

S – Speech difficulties: Slurred speech or difficulty speaking and understanding others is another symptom to watch out for. If someone’s speech is suddenly impaired or they are having trouble finding the right words, it may be a sign of a stroke.

T – Time to call emergency services: Time is of the essence when it comes to treating a stroke. If you observe any of the above symptoms, it is vital to call emergency services immediately. Quick medical attention can significantly reduce the potential damage caused by a stroke and improve the chances of a successful recovery.

It is important to note that strokes can also present with other symptoms such as sudden severe headaches, dizziness, trouble walking, and vision problems. While these may not be as common, they should not be ignored.

Being able to recognize the signs and symptoms of a stroke is crucial not only for the affected individual but also for their loved ones and those around them. By staying informed and spreading awareness about strokes, we can help save lives and improve the outcomes of those who experience these life-altering events.

4. The impact of strokes on individuals and their families

Strokes can have a profound impact on individuals and their families, often turning their lives upside down in an instant. The physical and emotional toll of a stroke can be devastating, leaving individuals struggling to perform even the simplest tasks they once took for granted.

Physically, strokes can cause paralysis or weakness in one side of the body, making it difficult for individuals to perform basic functions such as walking or dressing themselves. Everyday activities like cooking, cleaning, and going to work may suddenly become insurmountable challenges.

But the impact of strokes goes beyond physical limitations. They can also affect cognitive abilities, including memory, speech, and problem-solving skills. This can lead to frustration and a loss of independence, as individuals struggle to communicate or remember important details.

The emotional toll of strokes cannot be underestimated either. Individuals may experience feelings of grief, anger, or depression as they come to terms with the sudden changes in their lives. For families, witnessing their loved one’s struggle can be incredibly difficult, as they navigate the role of caregiver and adjust to the new normal.

However, it is important to remember that strokes do not define a person’s identity or potential for recovery. With the right support and rehabilitation, individuals can make remarkable progress in rebuilding their lives. Physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy can all play a crucial role in helping stroke survivors regain independence and improve their quality of life.

Additionally, support groups and counseling can provide individuals and their families with the emotional support they need to navigate the challenges of stroke recovery. Connecting with others who have gone through similar experiences can be incredibly empowering, offering a sense of community and understanding.

Understanding the impact of strokes on individuals and their families is essential in providing the necessary support and resources for recovery. By raising awareness and promoting education about strokes, we can help create a more compassionate and inclusive society for stroke survivors and their loved ones.

5. The road to recovery: Understanding the stroke rehabilitation process

The journey to recovery after a stroke can be both challenging and rewarding. Understanding the rehabilitation process is crucial in providing the best care and support for stroke survivors. Rehabilitation aims to help individuals regain lost abilities, improve their overall functioning, and regain independence.

The rehabilitation process typically begins as soon as possible after a stroke, often starting while the individual is still in the hospital. It involves a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals, including physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech-language pathologists, and psychologists, working together to address the specific needs of each patient.

Physiotherapy plays a central role in stroke rehabilitation, focusing on improving mobility, strength, and balance. Through targeted exercises and techniques, physiotherapists help stroke survivors regain control over their movements and enhance their overall physical abilities. This may include exercises to improve walking, stretching to increase flexibility, and strength training to rebuild weakened muscles.

Occupational therapy focuses on helping individuals regain independence in performing daily activities. This may involve relearning skills such as dressing, bathing, eating, and using the bathroom. Occupational therapists also assess the home environment and recommend modifications or assistive devices to facilitate a safe and accessible living space.

Speech-language therapy is vital for stroke survivors who may experience difficulties with speech, language, and swallowing. Speech-language pathologists work on improving communication skills, addressing speech impairments, and providing strategies for effective communication. They also help individuals overcome swallowing difficulties through specialized therapy techniques.

Psychological support is an integral part of stroke rehabilitation. Dealing with the physical and emotional impact of a stroke can be overwhelming for both the survivor and their loved ones. Psychologists and counselors provide individual and group therapy to address emotional challenges, coping strategies, and adjustment to life after a stroke. They also offer support for managing stress, depression, and anxiety that may arise during the recovery process.

It is important to note that stroke recovery is a unique journey for each individual, and the duration and outcome of rehabilitation can vary. The road to recovery requires patience, perseverance, and a supportive network of healthcare professionals, family, and friends. With proper rehabilitation interventions and ongoing support, stroke survivors can regain independence, improve their quality of life, and rebuild their lives after stroke.

6. Rehabilitation therapies and techniques for stroke survivors

Rehabilitation plays a crucial role in the recovery journey of stroke survivors. After experiencing a stroke, individuals often face various physical, cognitive, and emotional challenges that can significantly impact their daily lives. Rehabilitation therapies and techniques are designed to address these challenges and help stroke survivors regain independence and functionality.

Physical therapy is a fundamental component of stroke rehabilitation. It focuses on improving mobility, strength, and coordination. Through targeted exercises and activities, physical therapists work with stroke survivors to restore their ability to walk, perform daily tasks, and engage in physical activities. These sessions may include gait training, balance exercises, and muscle strengthening routines tailored to the individual’s specific needs.

Occupational therapy is another vital aspect of stroke rehabilitation. This therapy aims to assist stroke survivors in relearning essential skills for daily living, such as dressing, eating, and bathing. Occupational therapists provide guidance and utilize adaptive techniques or assistive devices to help stroke survivors regain independence in performing these activities. They may also focus on cognitive rehabilitation to enhance memory, problem-solving, and decision-making abilities.

Speech and language therapy is often necessary for stroke survivors who experience communication difficulties, such as aphasia. Speech therapists work with individuals to improve speech clarity, language comprehension, and expression. They may also provide alternative communication methods, such as using gestures or augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) devices, to facilitate effective communication.

In addition to these core therapies, stroke rehabilitation may involve other specialized approaches. For instance, constraint-induced movement therapy restricts the use of the unaffected limb to encourage the affected limb’s use and regain motor function. Virtual reality-based therapies offer an immersive and engaging environment for stroke survivors to practice movements and improve motor skills. Cognitive-behavioral therapy may be beneficial for addressing emotional and psychological challenges that often accompany stroke recovery.

It is important to note that stroke rehabilitation is highly individualized, as each stroke survivor’s needs and goals are unique. Therefore, a comprehensive evaluation by a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals is essential for designing a personalized rehabilitation plan. By combining various therapeutic techniques, stroke survivors can make significant progress on their road to recovery and rebuild their lives with confidence and determination.

7. Assistive devices and technologies for stroke recovery

Assistive devices and technologies play a crucial role in the journey of stroke recovery. These innovative tools offer a lifeline to individuals affected by strokes, helping them regain independence and improve their quality of life.

One such device is the robotic exoskeleton, which assists stroke survivors in regaining mobility and retraining their muscles. These exoskeletons provide support and guidance during physical therapy sessions, helping patients relearn movements and rebuild strength. By utilizing sensors and actuators, these devices mimic natural human motion, aiding in the rehabilitation process.

Another important assistive technology is the use of brain-computer interfaces (BCIs). BCIs enable individuals with limited mobility to control electronic devices using their brain signals. This technology not only empowers stroke survivors to communicate effectively but also facilitates the performance of daily tasks such as operating a wheelchair or turning on lights. By bypassing the need for physical movements, BCIs offer newfound independence and autonomy.

In addition to these advanced technologies, there are a plethora of assistive devices available to aid in stroke recovery. These range from simple tools like reachers and grab bars to more complex devices like adaptive keyboards and voice-activated assistants. These assistive devices are designed to compensate for physical impairments, making daily activities more manageable and promoting self-sufficiency.

It is important to note that assistive devices and technologies should be tailored to each individual’s specific needs. Working with healthcare professionals and rehabilitation specialists is crucial in determining the most suitable devices for stroke survivors. Additionally, ongoing support and training are essential to ensure proper usage and maximize the benefits of these assistive technologies.

By embracing these assistive devices and technologies, stroke survivors can navigate the road to recovery with increased confidence and independence. These innovations not only provide practical assistance but also instill hope and inspire individuals to rebuild their lives after stroke.

8. Emotional and psychological support for stroke survivors

Emotional and psychological support plays a crucial role in the recovery journey of stroke survivors. Dealing with the aftermath of a stroke can be overwhelming, both for the survivors and their loved ones. It is not just the physical challenges that they face, but also the emotional and psychological impact that can greatly affect their well-being.

Stroke survivors may experience a wide range of emotions such as frustration, sadness, anger, anxiety, and even depression. The sudden change in their abilities and independence can be difficult to accept. It is essential to provide a supportive environment that acknowledges and validates these emotions.

One effective way to offer emotional support is through counseling or therapy sessions. These sessions can help survivors and their families navigate through the complex emotions and challenges that arise post-stroke. Professional therapists can provide a safe space for individuals to express their feelings, address any psychological issues, and develop coping strategies.

Support groups specifically tailored for stroke survivors can also be incredibly beneficial. Connecting with others who have gone through similar experiences can create a sense of community, understanding, and shared knowledge. These support groups allow individuals to share their stories, exchange advice, and provide mutual encouragement, fostering a sense of belonging and empowerment.

Additionally, caregivers and family members of stroke survivors also require emotional support. The role of a caregiver can be demanding and emotionally draining. Providing resources and outlets for them to seek support, such as support groups or counseling, is vital to prevent caregiver burnout and ensure the overall well-being of everyone involved.

It is important to recognize that the emotional and psychological recovery from a stroke is a journey that takes time and patience. Offering ongoing support and understanding can make a significant impact on the overall quality of life for stroke survivors, helping them rebuild their lives and regain a sense of normalcy.

9. Tips for caregivers and loved ones of stroke survivors

Taking care of a stroke survivor can be a challenging and emotionally demanding task. As a caregiver or loved one, your support and understanding are crucial in helping the stroke survivor navigate their road to recovery. Here are some essential tips to assist you in this important role.

1. Educate Yourself: Take the time to learn about strokes, their effects, and the recovery process. Understanding the physical, emotional, and cognitive challenges faced by stroke survivors will enable you to provide better care and support.

2. Patience and Empathy: Recovery from a stroke can be a slow and frustrating process. Be patient with the survivor and offer empathy during their moments of struggle. Encourage them to stay positive and remind them of their progress, no matter how small.

3. Encourage Independence: While it is important to provide support, it is equally crucial to encourage independence. Help the stroke survivor regain their confidence by allowing them to perform tasks they are capable of doing. This will boost their self-esteem and aid in their overall recovery.

4. Create a Supportive Environment: Make modifications to the living space to ensure it is safe, accessible, and conducive to recovery. Remove any tripping hazards, install grab bars in the bathroom, and arrange furniture for easy navigation. Additionally, provide emotional support by creating a positive and nurturing atmosphere.

5. Establish a Routine: Establishing a structured daily routine can provide stability and a sense of control for the stroke survivor. Create a schedule for therapy sessions, medication, meals, and rest, and stick to it as much as possible. Having a routine helps the survivor regain a sense of normalcy and aids in their rehabilitation.

6. Take Care of Yourself: As a caregiver or loved one, it is essential to prioritize self-care. Make sure to attend to your physical and emotional well-being. Seek support from friends, family, or support groups to prevent burnout and maintain your ability to provide care effectively.

7. Seek Professional Help: Don’t hesitate to seek professional assistance when needed. Consult with healthcare professionals, therapists, or support groups to gain further insights and guidance. They can offer valuable resources, advice, and coping strategies for both the survivor and the caregiver.

Remember, your role as a caregiver or loved one is crucial in the stroke survivor’s recovery journey. Your support, understanding, and dedication can make a significant difference in rebuilding their lives after a stroke.

10. Inspiring stories of stroke survivors and their journey to rebuilding their lives

The journey to rebuilding one’s life after a stroke is undeniably challenging, both physically and emotionally. However, it is often through these stories of resilience and determination that we find inspiration and hope. In this section, we will delve into the inspiring stories of stroke survivors who have defied the odds and embarked on a transformative journey of rebuilding their lives.

Meet Sarah, a vibrant and successful businesswoman who, at the peak of her career, was struck by a stroke that left her paralyzed on one side of her body. With unwavering determination, Sarah refused to let this setback define her. Through months of intensive rehabilitation, countless hours of physical therapy, and the unwavering support of her loved ones, Sarah gradually regained her strength and mobility. Today, she not only walks confidently but has also returned to her professional life, inspiring others with her resilience and unwavering spirit.

Then there is Mark, an avid adventurer whose world came crashing down when a stroke left him with speech and memory difficulties. Undeterred, Mark embarked on a challenging journey of relearning communication skills, embracing cognitive therapies, and pushing his limits. Through sheer determination and the support of his rehabilitation team, Mark not only regained his ability to communicate but also embarked on new adventures, proving that a stroke does not have to be the end of one’s dreams.

These stories of stroke survivors highlight the incredible strength and resilience that lie within each individual. They serve as a reminder that with the right support, determination, and rehabilitation, one can overcome the physical and emotional challenges brought on by a stroke.

If you or a loved one are currently on the road to recovery after a stroke, take solace in these inspiring stories. Remember that you are not alone in your journey, and with time and perseverance, you too can rebuild your life and embrace a new sense of purpose and hope.

Telltale Signs of Caregiver Fatigue

Female runner, with blue tank top and black running pants bent over on the road, looking exhausted

If you are a caregiver or a care partner…you will experience fatigue. I want you to learn the signs and symptoms of fatigue so you can do something about it BEFORE you get to burnout! At burnout, you will be UNABLE to care or help your loved one.

Caregiver fatigue is a state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion that can occur when you’re providing care for a loved one. It’s a common issue among family caregivers, and it can have a significant impact on your health and well-being. Understanding the signs and symptoms of caregiver fatigue is the first step in preventing burnout and ensuring that you’re taking care of yourself.

Understanding Caregiver Fatigue

As a family carer, it’s easy to get so caught up in your loved one’s needs that you forget to take care of yourself. Caregiver fatigue is a real and common problem that can affect anyone providing care for a loved one. It’s important to recognize the signs and symptoms of caregiver fatigue so you can take steps to prevent it.

Caregiver fatigue is a state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion that results from the stress of caregiving. It can lead to a range of symptoms, including anxiety, depression, irritability, difficulty sleeping, and new or worsening health problems. Carers who are experiencing fatigue may also feel increasingly resentful, overreact to minor nuisances, and may turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms like drinking, smoking, or overeating.

It’s important to note that caregiver fatigue can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender, or background. However, certain factors can increase your risk of developing caregiver fatigue, such as:

  • Caring for someone who needs constant care
  • Feeling alone or isolated
  • Feeling helpless or depressed
  • Having money problems
  • Spending many hours caregiving
  • Having too little guidance from healthcare professionals

If you’re experiencing any of these risk factors or symptoms of caregiver fatigue, it’s important to take action to prevent burnout. This may include seeking respite care, joining a support group, or talking with a mental health professional. Taking care of yourself is key to being able to take care of your loved one. Even small breaks help.

Physical Signs of Caregiver Fatigue

Excessive Tiredness

One of the most common physical signs of caregiver fatigue is excessive tiredness. You may feel like you can’t keep your eyes open, no matter how much sleep you get. This can make it difficult to focus on your caregiving responsibilities and can leave you feeling irritable and moody.

Sleep Disorders

Caregiving can also disrupt your sleep patterns, leading to sleep disorders such as insomnia or sleep apnea. You may find it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep, or you may wake up feeling unrefreshed. This can worsen feelings of tiredness and make it harder to cope with the demands of caregiving.

Reduced Immunity

Chronic stress can also weaken your immune system, leaving you more susceptible to illnesses such as colds and flu. You may find that you get sick more frequently and that it takes longer to recover from illnesses. This can make it harder to provide care for your loved one and can leave you feeling run down and exhausted.

Emotional Signs of Caregiver Fatigue

Constant Irritability

Do you find yourself getting easily irritated or frustrated with your loved one? Are you snapping at them or others more often? Constant irritability is a common sign of caregiver fatigue. Caregiving can be stressful, and it’s normal to feel frustrated or overwhelmed at times. However, if you’re constantly irritable, it may be a sign that you’re experiencing caregiver fatigue.

Feelings of Hopelessness

Do you feel like your situation is hopeless? Do you feel like you’re not making a difference or that nothing you do is good enough? Feelings of hopelessness are common among caregivers, especially if you’re caring for a loved one with a chronic or terminal illness. It’s important to remember that you’re doing the best you can and that your efforts are making a difference.


Depression is a serious condition that can affect anyone, including caregivers. If you’re feeling sad, hopeless, or helpless, you may be experiencing depression. Other symptoms of depression include loss of interest in activities you once enjoyed, changes in appetite or sleep patterns, and difficulty concentrating. If you think you may be depressed, it’s important to talk to your doctor or a mental health professional.

Cognitive Signs of Caregiver Fatigue

Taking care of a loved one is a noble and rewarding experience, but it can also be exhausting. Caregiver fatigue is a state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion that can happen when you’re taking care of someone else. In this section, we’ll explore some cognitive signs of caregiver fatigue that you should be aware of. Other relatable words for “cognitive” include reason, analytical, rational, sensible, and coherent.

Difficulty Concentrating

One of the most common cognitive signs of caregiver fatigue is difficulty concentrating. You may find it hard to focus on tasks or remember important details. This can be frustrating and lead to mistakes or forgetfulness.

To combat difficulty concentrating, try breaking tasks into smaller, more manageable steps. You can also use tools like to-do lists or reminders to help you stay on track. Additionally, taking short breaks throughout the day can help you recharge and refocus.


Another cognitive sign of caregiver fatigue is forgetfulness. You may find yourself forgetting important dates, appointments, or tasks. This can be stressful and lead to feelings of guilt or inadequacy.

To combat forgetfulness, try using memory aids like calendars, sticky notes, or smartphone apps. You can also ask family members or friends to help remind you of important dates or tasks. Additionally, getting enough sleep and practicing stress-reducing activities like meditation or yoga can help improve your memory.

One thing we all need to understand is that we have so much more information to retain that it is difficult to remember it all in the best of times.

Decision-Making Problems

Caregiver fatigue can also lead to decision-making problems. You may find it hard to make decisions, or you may second-guess yourself after making a decision. This can be overwhelming and lead to feelings of anxiety or indecisiveness.

To combat decision-making problems, try breaking decisions into smaller, more manageable steps. You can also seek advice from family members, friends, or healthcare professionals. Additionally, taking care of yourself by getting enough sleep, eating well, and exercising can help you make better decisions.

Remember, caregiver fatigue is a common experience, and it’s important to take care of yourself so you can continue to take care of your loved one. If you’re experiencing any of these cognitive signs of caregiver fatigue, don’t hesitate to reach out for help.

Behavioral Signs of Caregiver Fatigue

When you are a caregiver, it is easy to become so focused on the needs of your loved one that you forget to take care of yourself.  Here are some common behavioral signs of caregiver fatigue that you should be aware of:

Neglecting Responsibilities

One of the most common signs of caregiver fatigue is neglecting responsibilities. When you are overwhelmed, it can be challenging to keep up with household chores, work, and other responsibilities. You may find that you are forgetting to pay bills, missing appointments, or neglecting your own health.

Social Isolation

Caregiving can be a lonely job, and it is easy to become socially isolated. You may find that you are spending all of your time with your loved one and have little time for social activities. Social isolation can lead to depression and anxiety, which can make caregiver fatigue even worse.

Substance Abuse or Misuse

When you are under a lot of stress, it can be tempting to turn to drugs or alcohol to cope. Substance abuse is a common sign of caregiver fatigue and can have serious consequences for your health and well-being.

If you are experiencing any of these behavioral signs of caregiver fatigue, it is essential to take action. Talk to your doctor, join a support group, or consider respite care. Taking care of yourself is just as important as taking care of your loved one.

Importance of Self-Care for Caregivers

As a family caregiver, it’s easy to focus all your energy and attention on the person you’re caring for. However, it’s important to remember that taking care of yourself is just as crucial. Caregiver fatigue is a common issue that can lead to burnout, stress, and even physical health problems. Here are some self-care practices that can help you avoid caregiver fatigue and maintain your well-being.

Regular Exercise or Physical Activity

Regular exercise is essential for maintaining good physical and mental health. It can help reduce stress, improve your mood, and give you more energy. Even if you can only spare a few minutes a day, try to incorporate some physical activity into your routine. You could take a walk around the block, do some stretching exercises, or try a yoga class. Find an activity that you enjoy and that fits into your schedule.

Healthy Eating Plan

Eating a healthy, balanced diet is important for everyone, but it’s especially crucial for caregivers. When you’re busy taking care of someone else, it can be easy to neglect your own nutritional needs. However, eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein can help you maintain your energy and focus. Try to avoid processed foods, sugary snacks, and excessive amounts of caffeine and alcohol.

Adequate Sleep

Getting enough sleep is crucial for your physical and mental health. However, it can be challenging to get a good night’s sleep when you’re a caregiver. Try to establish a regular sleep routine, and aim for 7-8 hours of sleep per night. If you’re having trouble sleeping, try relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or listening to calming music. Avoid using electronic devices before bed, as the blue light can interfere with your sleep cycle.

Remember, self-care is not selfish – it’s essential for your well-being and the well-being of the person you’re caring for. By practicing self-care and prioritizing your own needs, you’ll be better equipped to provide the best possible care to your loved one.

Seeking Professional Help

If you are experiencing signs and symptoms of caregiver fatigue, seeking professional help can be beneficial to your mental and physical health. There are a variety of resources available to help you manage your stress and prevent burnout.

Counseling Services

Counseling services can provide you with a safe and confidential space to discuss your feelings and concerns. A licensed therapist can help you develop coping strategies and provide emotional support. Some counseling services may be covered by insurance or offered on a sliding scale fee basis.

Support Groups

Support groups can provide you with a sense of community and understanding. You can connect with other caregivers who are going through similar experiences and share advice and resources. Many support groups meet in person or online, and some are specific to certain conditions or types of caregiving.

Respite Care Services

Respite care services provide temporary relief for caregivers. This can include in-home care, adult day care, or short-term stays in a nursing home or assisted living facility. Respite care can give you a break from your caregiving responsibilities and allow you to focus on your own self-care.

Remember, seeking professional help is not a sign of weakness. It is a proactive step towards maintaining your own health and well-being. Don’t hesitate to reach out for support when you need it.


In conclusion, family caregiver fatigue is a common issue that can have serious consequences for both the caregiver and the care recipient. It is important to recognize the signs and symptoms of caregiver fatigue early on so that you can take steps to address it.

Some of the common signs of caregiver fatigue include feeling overwhelmed, irritable, or depressed, as well as experiencing physical symptoms such as fatigue and headaches. You may also find yourself neglecting your own needs and interests, and feeling like you have no time for yourself.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important to seek help and support. This may include talking to a mental health professional, joining a support group, or participating in respite care. It is also important to take care of your own physical and emotional well-being by eating a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, and engaging in regular exercise.

Remember, taking care of yourself is not selfish – it is essential to being a good caregiver. By recognizing the signs of caregiver fatigue and taking steps to address it, you can ensure that both you and your loved one receive the best possible care.

Caregiving for Mom or Dad: Navigating the Challenges of Dementia as an Adult Child

Caring for a parent with dementia can be an emotionally challenging, and physically demanding task. It requires patience, empathy, and a great deal of dedication. The care you provide can have a profound impact on both the quality of life of your parent and your own well-being.

We are going to explore some common challenges, resources and other helpful information.

1. Introduction: Understanding the challenges of caring for a parent with dementia at home

Caring for a parent with dementia at home can be both a rewarding and challenging experience. It requires a deep understanding of the unique needs and difficulties that come with this progressive cognitive decline. As your loved one’s memory, communication, and ability to perform daily tasks gradually deteriorate, it becomes crucial to provide a safe and supportive environment that promotes their well-being.

One of the foremost challenges of caring for a parent with dementia at home is managing their changing behaviors and emotions. Mood swings, confusion, agitation, and even aggression are common manifestations of the disease. These can be emotionally taxing for both the caregiver and the individual with dementia. It’s essential to develop strategies to effectively communicate and handle these behavioral changes with empathy and patience.

Another significant challenge is ensuring the safety of your loved one. Dementia can impair judgment and increase the risk of accidents or wandering. Creating a secure home environment that minimizes hazards and prevents potential harm is vital. This may involve installing safety devices, such as handrails and grab bars, securing cabinets and drawers with childproof locks, and implementing a system to monitor their movements.

As dementia progresses, your parent may require assistance with activities of daily living (ADLs) such as bathing, dressing, and eating. Providing personal care while respecting their dignity and autonomy can be challenging for both parties. It’s crucial to explore resources and training programs that can equip you with the necessary skills and knowledge to carry out these tasks effectively. You may also hire a personal care assistant to help with bathing. Two or three times a week is usually sufficient while using cleaning cloths on the other days.

Caring for a parent with late-stage dementia can be emotionally and physically demanding. Witnessing the decline of someone you love can be overwhelming, and it’s essential to prioritize self-care to prevent burnout. Seeking support from support groups, counseling services, or respite care can provide invaluable assistance and relieve some of the caregiving burdens.

2. Understanding dementia: Types, symptoms, and stages of the disease

Understanding dementia is crucial for providing effective care for a parent or loved one at home. Dementia is not a single disease but rather an umbrella term used to describe a variety of progressive neurological disorders that affect memory, thinking, behavior, and the ability to perform everyday activities. The most common form of dementia is Alzheimer’s disease, accounting for 60-80% of cases. Other types include vascular dementia, Lewy body dementia, frontotemporal dementia, and mixed dementia.

Recognizing the early symptoms of dementia is vital for early intervention and appropriate care. These symptoms may vary depending on the type of dementia, but common signs include memory loss, confusion, difficulty with language and communication, impaired judgment and decision-making, changes in mood and behavior, and problems with motor skills and coordination.

As dementia progresses, it typically advances through different stages, each presenting unique challenges for caregivers. The stages of dementia can be broadly categorized as mild, moderate, and severe. In the early stage, individuals may experience mild cognitive impairment and slight memory lapses. As the disease progresses to the moderate stage, memory loss becomes more pronounced, and individuals may require assistance with daily tasks. In the late or severe stage of dementia, individuals often lose the ability to communicate, recognize loved ones, and perform basic self-care activities.

Understanding the types, symptoms, and stages of dementia is essential for tailoring care strategies and accessing appropriate resources. By familiarizing yourself with the specific characteristics of your loved one’s condition, you can provide compassionate and effective care while also seeking out relevant training programs and support services designed to address the unique needs of individuals with dementia.

3. Creating a safe and dementia-friendly home environment

Flexibility and adaptability symbol. Businessman turns wooden cubes and changes words ‘adaptability’ to ‘flexibility’. Beautiful white background, copy space. Business, flexibility and adaptability concept.

Creating a safe and dementia-friendly home environment is crucial when caring for a parent with dementia. As the disease progresses, individuals with dementia may experience memory loss, confusion, and difficulty with everyday tasks. It is essential to adapt the home to minimize potential hazards and provide a supportive space.

Start by decluttering and organizing the living space. Remove unnecessary furniture, rugs with tripping hazards, and excessive decorations that may confuse or overwhelm your loved one. Clear pathways to facilitate easy navigation and reduce the risk of falls.

Labeling can be incredibly helpful in a dementia-friendly home. Use clear, large-print labels for drawers, cabinets, and rooms to assist your parent in finding their way around. Labeling can also extend to essential items such as the bathroom, kitchen, and bedroom, ensuring they can locate what they need independently.

Safety measures are paramount. Install grab bars in bathrooms and hallways to offer stability and prevent accidents. Secure loose rugs with non-slip mats or remove them altogether. Consider installing safety gates at the top and bottom of stairs to avoid falls. Lock away hazardous substances like cleaning products, medications, and sharp objects to prevent accidents.

To minimize confusion and anxiety, establish a predictable routine and maintain consistency in the home. This includes keeping familiar furniture arrangements and avoiding significant changes to the environment. Creating a calm and soothing atmosphere with soft lighting and familiar sounds can promote a sense of comfort and security.

In addition to physical adaptations, technology can also assist in creating a dementia-friendly environment. Smart home devices, such as voice-activated assistants, can provide reminders for medication, appointments, and daily tasks. They can also control lighting and temperature, making the home more comfortable and convenient for your loved one.

Remember, creating a safe and dementia-friendly home environment is an ongoing process. As your parent’s needs change, regularly reassess and make necessary adjustments to ensure their well-being and quality of life. By prioritizing safety and comfort, you can create a nurturing space that supports your parent’s journey through dementia.

4. Building a support network: Utilizing community resources and support groups

When caring for a parent with dementia at home, it is crucial to build a strong support network to help you navigate the challenges that may arise. Utilizing community resources and support groups can provide you with much-needed assistance, guidance, and emotional support throughout the caregiving journey.

Community resources play a vital role in providing practical help and services. Begin by researching local organizations that specialize in dementia care or senior services. These organizations often offer a wide range of resources, such as respite care, home health aides, transportation assistance, and meal delivery programs. These services can give you a break from caregiving responsibilities and ensure that your parent receives the necessary care when you need time to attend to your own needs.

Support groups are another valuable resource for caregivers. Connecting with others who are going through similar experiences can be incredibly comforting and beneficial. Support groups provide a safe space to share struggles, exchange advice, and seek solace from individuals who understand the challenges of caring for a loved one with dementia. Many support groups meet in person, while others are now available online, allowing you to connect with others from the comfort of your home.

In addition to local resources and support groups, there are numerous online platforms dedicated to dementia caregiving. These platforms provide valuable information, educational resources, and forums where you can connect with experts and other caregivers. Online communities offer a convenient way to access support and advice at any time, especially during those moments when you may feel overwhelmed or isolated.

5. Seeking professional help: Finding and choosing the right healthcare providers

When caring for a parent with dementia at home, seeking professional help is essential to ensure their well-being and provide the best possible care. Finding and choosing the right healthcare providers can be a daunting task, but with proper research and consideration, it can greatly alleviate the burden on you as a caregiver.

Start by reaching out to your loved one’s primary care physician, neurologist,  or geriatric specialist. They can provide valuable guidance and recommendations for healthcare providers specializing in dementia care. These professionals are experienced in managing the unique challenges associated with dementia and can offer valuable insights and support. Some even have social workers that can help you.

Consider consulting with a dementia care specialist or a geriatric care manager. These professionals can provide personalized guidance, assess your parent’s specific needs, and help you navigate the complex healthcare system. They can also assist in coordinating various aspects of care, including medication management, home modifications, and finding appropriate support services.

Another crucial aspect of seeking professional help is finding a reliable and compassionate home healthcare provider. Look for agencies or individuals who specialize in dementia care and have a solid track record. Ask for references, read online reviews, and interview potential providers to ensure they have the necessary expertise and are a good fit for your parent’s unique needs.

In addition to healthcare providers, consider reaching out to local support groups, community organizations, and non-profit agencies that offer resources and assistance specifically for dementia caregivers. These organizations often provide training programs, educational materials, and support networks that can be invaluable in navigating the challenges of caring for a parent with dementia.

Remember, finding and choosing the right healthcare providers is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Each person’s needs and preferences may vary, so take the time to thoroughly research and evaluate your options. Your parent’s well-being and quality of life depend on the expertise and support of the professionals you choose, so make sure to prioritize finding the right fit for your unique situation.

6. Dementia training programs for caregivers: Options and benefits

There are various options available for caregivers seeking dementia training programs. Many local organizations and healthcare facilities offer workshops, seminars, and training sessions specifically tailored to caregivers of individuals with dementia. These programs cover essential topics such as understanding the different stages of dementia, managing challenging behaviors, and providing emotional support.

One of the most significant benefits of participating in dementia training programs is the opportunity to learn effective communication techniques. As dementia progresses, individuals may struggle with verbal expression or become easily agitated. Caregivers who are trained to communicate in a calm and compassionate manner can significantly improve their ability to understand and connect with their loved ones.

Moreover, dementia training programs often provide practical strategies for managing daily activities and enhancing the quality of life for individuals with dementia. These programs teach caregivers how to create a safe and stimulating environment, establish routines, and assist with personal care tasks while promoting independence and dignity.

In addition to the knowledge gained, participating in dementia training programs can also offer a valuable support network. Caregivers often find solace in connecting with others who are going through similar experiences. These programs provide a platform for sharing stories, seeking advice, and finding emotional support from individuals who truly understand the challenges of caring for a loved one with dementia.

Before embarking on a specific dementia training program, it is important to conduct thorough research and choose one that aligns with your needs and preferences. Consider factors such as the program’s duration, cost, credibility, and available resources. Additionally, consult healthcare professionals or local support groups for recommendations on reputable training programs in your area.

Remember, caring for a parent with dementia is a continuous learning process. By investing in dementia training programs, caregivers can enhance their skills, gain valuable insights, and ultimately provide the best possible care for their loved ones throughout every stage of the disease.

7. Managing daily routines and activities: Strategies to promote engagement and reduce anxiety

Acronym KISS as KEEP IT SUPER SIMPLE. Written note on wooden frame blackboard, colored chalk in the corner. Motivational Concept image

When caring for a parent with dementia at home, managing daily routines and activities becomes crucial. Establishing a structured routine can provide a sense of security and familiarity for your loved one, reducing anxiety and promoting engagement. Here are some strategies to incorporate into your caregiving routine:

1. Stick to a consistent schedule: Establishing a predictable daily routine can help your parent feel more secure and oriented. Try to maintain regular meal times, exercise routines, and leisure activities at consistent times each day.

2. Simplify tasks: Break down daily activities into smaller, manageable steps. For example, if your parent used to enjoy cooking, simplify the process by prepping ingredients in advance or using pre-packaged meal kits. This way, they can still participate in activities they love without feeling overwhelmed.

3. Create a calm environment: Minimize distractions and create a peaceful atmosphere within the home. Reduce noise levels, eliminate clutter, and ensure that the environment is well-lit to enhance your parent’s comfort and focus.

4. Offer choices: Allow your parent to make simple choices throughout the day to maintain a sense of independence. For instance, let them decide what to wear, which activity to engage in, or what to have for a snack. This empowers them and gives them a sense of control. Only give two choices. There may come a time when they cannot make choices and you will have to do that for them and present it as their choice.

5. Engage in meaningful activities: Find activities that align with your parent’s interests and abilities. This could include hobbies, puzzles, listening to music, or engaging in reminiscence therapy. Adapt activities to their current cognitive and physical capabilities to promote a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment. Walking is a great exercise and so is gardening. They need physical activity.

6. Use visual cues and reminders: As dementia progresses, memory and cognitive abilities decline. Utilize visual cues such as labeled drawers, calendars, or whiteboards to help your parent remember important information or daily tasks.

7. Encourage social interaction: Human connection is vital for individuals with dementia. Encourage visits from family and friends, participate in support groups or social programs designed for dementia patients, and consider involving your loved one in community activities tailored to their needs. Remember, not to ask questions but to talk and reminisce. In some moments they may be with it and clear and in other moments they are back in Alzheimer’s land.

Remember, each individual’s experience with dementia is unique, and it’s essential to adapt these strategies to suit your parent’s specific needs. Patience, empathy, and flexibility are key when managing daily routines and activities for someone with dementia.

8. Communication strategies: Effective ways to interact and connect with a parent with dementia

Communicating with a parent who has dementia can be challenging, but it is crucial to maintain a strong connection and ensure their well-being. As the disease progresses, their ability to understand and express themselves may decline, making communication even more complex. However, there are effective strategies that can help you navigate this journey and create meaningful interactions with your loved one.

It is essential to create a calm and comfortable environment for communication. Minimize distractions, such as loud noises or multiple conversations happening simultaneously. Find a quiet space where you can focus on each other without interruptions. Maintaining eye contact and using gentle touch can also help convey your presence and interest.

When speaking with a parent with dementia, use simple and concise sentences. Avoid complex or abstract concepts that may confuse them. Speak slowly and clearly, allowing them enough time to process and respond. It is important to be patient and give them the opportunity to express themselves, even if their words may not always make sense. Remember, non-verbal cues, such as facial expressions and body language, can also play a significant role in understanding their emotions and needs.

Additionally, using visual aids can enhance communication. Simple pictures, gestures, or written notes can help convey messages and facilitate understanding. For example, using a picture of a toilet or a glass of water can help them communicate their basic needs. Visual cues can also be helpful in establishing routines and daily tasks.

Active listening is a vital aspect of effective communication. Show genuine interest in what your loved one is saying, even if their words seem fragmented or disconnected. Respond with empathy, validation, and reassurance. Reflecting their feelings and emotions can help them feel heard and understood.

Lastly, be flexible and adaptable in your communication approach. As dementia progresses, your parent’s communication abilities may change. Stay attuned to their needs and adjust your strategies accordingly. Be open to alternative forms of communication, such as music, art, or other sensory-based activities that can provide comfort and facilitate connection.

Remember, communication is not solely about verbal exchange but also about the emotional connection you establish with your parent. By implementing these strategies, you can foster meaningful interactions and maintain a strong bond throughout their journey with dementia.

9. Dealing with late-stage decline: Palliative care, hospice, and end-of-life considerations

When caring for a parent with dementia, it is important to be prepared for the late-stage decline that may occur as the disease progresses. This stage can be challenging both emotionally and physically, requiring careful consideration and planning.

One crucial aspect to address during this stage is palliative care. Palliative care focuses on providing comfort and relief from the symptoms and stress associated with serious illnesses, including dementia. It aims to improve the quality of life for both the patient and their family members. Palliative care teams often consist of healthcare professionals, such as doctors, nurses, and social workers, who work together to manage pain, provide emotional support, and ensure the individual’s overall well-being.

Another option to consider is hospice care. Hospice care is typically provided in the final stages of a terminal illness, including late-stage dementia. It is designed to provide compassionate end-of-life care and support for both the patient and their loved ones. Hospice care can be provided at home, in a specialized facility, or in a hospital, depending on the individual’s needs and preferences.

Late-stage decline also necessitates thoughtful consideration of end-of-life considerations. It is important to have conversations about the individual’s wishes regarding medical interventions, life-sustaining treatments, and other important decisions. Advance care planning, including the creation of a living will or designation of a healthcare proxy, can help ensure that the individual’s preferences are respected and followed.

Additionally, it may be helpful to seek support from organizations and resources that specialize in end-of-life care for individuals with dementia. These resources can provide guidance, education, and emotional support for both the caregiver and the individual.

Caring for a parent with dementia during late-stage decline can be overwhelming, but by understanding and exploring options such as palliative care, hospice, and end-of-life considerations, you can provide the best possible care and support for your loved one during this difficult time.

10. Taking care of yourself: Self-care tips for caregivers of parents with dementia

Taking care of a parent with dementia can be emotionally and physically challenging. As a caregiver, it is essential to prioritize your own well-being to ensure you can provide the best care possible. Here are some self-care tips to help you navigate this difficult journey.

1. Seek support: Don’t hesitate to reach out to support groups, online forums, or local organizations specializing in dementia care. Connecting with others who are going through similar experiences can provide solace, guidance, and a sense of community.

2. Take breaks: Caregiving can be overwhelming, so it is crucial to take regular breaks to rest and recharge. Arrange for respite care or ask family members and friends to step in temporarily. Utilize this time to engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation.

3. Prioritize your health: Caring for someone with dementia can be physically demanding. It is vital to maintain your own health by eating nutritious meals, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep. Remember, you cannot pour from an empty cup, so taking care of yourself is paramount.

4. Set boundaries: Establishing clear boundaries with your loved one and others involved in their care is crucial. Learn to say no when necessary and communicate your needs openly. Recognize that you cannot do everything and that it is okay to ask for help.

5. Practice stress management: Find healthy ways to manage stress, such as practicing mindfulness, deep breathing exercises, or engaging in hobbies you enjoy. Carving out time for activities that help you relax and unwind can significantly reduce caregiver burnout.

6. Stay socially connected: Isolation can be a common struggle for caregivers. Make an effort to maintain social connections with friends and family members. Schedule regular outings or phone calls to ensure you have a support system outside of your caregiving responsibilities.

7. Consider therapy or counseling: Seeking professional help through therapy or counseling can provide you with a safe space to process emotions and develop coping strategies. A therapist can offer guidance on managing caregiver stress and navigating the challenges of caring for a parent with dementia.

Remember, caring for yourself is not selfish; it is essential for your well-being and the quality of care you provide. By prioritizing self-care, you will be better equipped to handle the challenges that come with caring for a parent with dementia and find moments of joy and fulfillment along the way.

11. Conclusion: Embracing the journey and finding moments of joy amidst the challenges

Caring for a parent with dementia at home can be a challenging and emotionally draining journey. However, it is also a journey filled with moments of joy and connection. As we conclude this comprehensive guide, it is important to remember that despite the hardships, there are ways to find solace and happiness amidst the challenges.

One of the key aspects of embracing the journey is to focus on the present moment and cherish the small victories. Dementia may rob your loved one of their memories and abilities, but it cannot take away their capacity for love, laughter, and human connection. Take the time to create meaningful moments with your parent, whether it’s through simple activities like listening to their favorite music, sharing a meal together, or engaging in gentle physical touch.

Another way to find moments of joy is by seeking support from others who are going through similar experiences. Joining support groups or online communities can provide a safe space to share your feelings, seek advice, and learn from others. These communities can be a source of strength, empathy, and understanding when you feel overwhelmed or alone.

Additionally, remember to take care of yourself throughout this caregiving journey. It is easy to neglect your own needs while caring for a loved one, but self-care is crucial to maintaining your own well-being and ability to provide quality care. Take breaks when needed, seek respite care or assistance from other family members or professional caregivers, and prioritize activities that recharge and rejuvenate you.

Why your friends don’t understand your caregiving journey

Venn Diagram with words

It isn’t just your friends that do not understand, sometimes, it is other family members. We all look at things through our own life experiences and relationships. No two relationships are exactly the same. The feelings and shared experiences are different.

When you left your childhood home for the first time you met some new and interesting characters. Some went away to college, some joined the service and others joined the working force. Over time, you found out that other people were raised differently than you were. You found that others had different home lives than you did. Some better, some worse, and some similar. You found that others had different values than you did.

Hopefully, you learned acceptance and tolerance for other people’s opinions. You learned that you did not have to agree with everything that they said or believed and they did not have to agree with you, but somehow you developed a friendship. You may find yourself with many acquaintances, work friends, and friends you enjoy being around and doing things with.  Your inner circle of close friends is far smaller, or at least it is for me. These are the people that you can call at 3 a.m. and they would be there for you. I was going to say, these are the friends that you could call them from jail and they would bail you out, but let’s face it….they are probably there with you in jail.

Even your best and closest friends will have no idea what you are truly experiencing as a family caregiver. If your friends have never been a family caregiver, they cannot understand. Even people in the caregiving arena cannot fully understand what you are feeling if they have never dealt with a family member themselves. Even if they have been a family caregiver their relationships, care needs, and experiences are different than yours. Those that have had experience as a family caregiver, “get it,” even though the circumstances are different. They can empathize.

Empathy is really all that we can expect. Validation of your experiences and feelings is what matters. Your friends may not know what you are going through, but they know that you are exhausted, stressed, and sometimes at the end of your rope. They probably want to help you, but they aren’t sure how to help you. Of course, you can whip out that list that you have prepared of things that need to be done or handled.

Being a family caregiver is a noble and rewarding experience, but it can also be incredibly exhausting. Whether you are caring for an aging parent, a disabled family member, or a loved one with a chronic illness, the physical, emotional, and financial demands of caregiving can take a toll on your health and well-being.

As a family caregiver, you are often responsible for a wide range of tasks, from providing personal care and medication management to handling finances and navigating the healthcare system. This can be a daunting and overwhelming experience, particularly if you are juggling caregiving with work, family, and other responsibilities. Additionally, caregiving can be a 24/7 job, leaving little time for self-care and rest.

Understanding the Role of Family Caregiver

Being a family caregiver is a challenging and demanding role that requires a lot of time, effort, and emotional investment. It involves providing care and support to a family member or friend who is unable to care for themselves due to a chronic or long-term health condition.

You are responsible for managing the daily needs of your loved one, such as bathing, dressing, feeding, and administering medication. You may also need to assist with household chores, transportation, and financial management. This can be physically and emotionally exhausting, especially if you are juggling other responsibilities such as work and your own family.

In addition to the practical tasks of caregiving, you may also experience a range of emotions such as stress, anxiety, guilt, and frustration. It is common to feel overwhelmed and isolated and struggle with balancing your needs with those of your loved one.

It is important to recognize that being a family caregiver is a complex and multifaceted role that can have both positive and negative impacts on your life

Some of the challenges and impacts of being a family caregiver may include:

  • Lack of time for self-care and leisure activities
  • Financial strain due to the cost of caregiving
  • Increased stress and anxiety
  • Physical strain and exhaustion
  • Social isolation and loneliness
  • Negative impacts on work and career
  • Strained relationships with other family members

Physical Toll of Caregiving

Lack of Personal Time

As a caregiver, you may find that you have very little time for yourself. You may spend most of your time taking care of your loved one, leaving little time for exercise, hobbies, or even basic self-care. This lack of personal time can lead to physical exhaustion, as well as feelings of stress and burnout.

To combat this, it is important to make time for yourself. This could mean asking for help from other family members or friends, hiring a respite caregiver to provide temporary care for your loved one, or simply taking a few minutes each day to do something that you enjoy.

Physical Exhaustion

Caregiving can also be physically exhausting. Depending on the needs of your loved one, you may be required to lift, move, or assist them with daily tasks. This can put a strain on your body, leading to muscle aches, joint pain, and even injuries.

To prevent physical exhaustion, it is important to practice proper body mechanics when lifting or assisting your loved one. This may include using assistive devices, such as a cane or walker, or asking for help from another person. You may also want to consider hiring a professional caregiver to provide assistance with tasks that are physically demanding.

Emotional Strain of Caregiving

Emotional Burnout

Caregiving can be emotionally draining, especially if you are providing care to a loved one who is seriously ill or disabled. It is not uncommon for caregivers to experience burnout, which is a state of emotional, mental, and physical exhaustion. Burnout can make you feel like you have nothing left to give and can lead to depression, anxiety, and other mental health problems.

To avoid burnout, it is important to take care of yourself. Make time for activities that you enjoy, such as reading, exercising, or spending time with friends. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from other family members or friends, or consider hiring a professional caregiver to give you a break. Self-care isn’t selfish, it is necessary.

Feeling of Isolation

Caregiving can be a lonely experience, especially if you are providing care to a loved one who is housebound or bedridden. You may feel isolated from your friends and family and may struggle to find time for social activities. Ask your friends to drop by or come over at a certain time.

To combat feelings of isolation, try to stay connected with others. Schedule regular phone calls or visits with friends and family members, or consider joining a support group for caregivers. You may also find it helpful to connect with other caregivers online through forums or social media groups.

Remember, it is important to take care of your emotional well-being as a caregiver. Don’t be afraid to seek help from a mental health professional if you are struggling to cope with the emotional strain of caregiving. Talk therapy helps.

Financial Challenges of Caregiving

Out of Pocket Expenses

One of the biggest financial challenges of caregiving is the out-of-pocket expenses that come with it. According to a report by the National Alliance for Caregiving, more than three-quarters (78%) of caregivers are incurring out-of-pocket costs due to caregiving. These costs can include things like medical expenses, transportation costs, and home modifications.

In addition, caregivers may also need to purchase supplies and equipment to help with their loved one’s care. This can include things like incontinence supplies, wound care supplies, and mobility aids.

Potential Loss of Income

Another financial challenge of caregiving is the potential loss of income. Many caregivers are forced to reduce their work hours, exit the labor force, or forego income and benefits in order to provide care for their loved one. This can have a significant impact on their financial well-being both now and in the future.

According to a report by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, caregivers who leave the workforce to provide care for a loved one can experience a lifetime loss of wages and benefits that can exceed $300,000. This loss of income can have a significant impact on their ability to save for retirement and meet their future financial goals.

To help ease the financial challenges of caregiving, it’s important to explore all available resources. This may include government programs, community resources, and financial assistance programs. By taking advantage of these resources, caregivers can help ensure that they are able to provide the best possible care for their loved one without sacrificing their financial well-being.

Navigating Healthcare System

Keep Track of Appointments and Medications

One of the biggest challenges of being a family caregiver is keeping track of all the appointments and medications that your loved one needs. To make this task easier, consider using a calendar or planner to keep track of appointments and medication schedules. You can also use a medication reminder app to help you remember when it’s time to give your loved one their medication.

Ask Questions

Don’t be afraid to ask questions when you’re at your loved one’s appointments. If you don’t understand something, ask the doctor or nurse to explain it to you in simpler terms. You can also ask for written information or brochures to take home with you.

Communicate with Healthcare Providers

It’s important to communicate with your loved one’s healthcare providers to ensure that they are receiving the best possible care. Make sure that all of their healthcare providers are aware of their medical history and any medications they are taking. You can also ask for a care plan that outlines the treatments and medications your loved one needs.

Seek Support

Being a family caregiver can be a lonely and stressful experience. It’s important to seek support from friends, family members, or support groups. You can also consider hiring a home health aide or respite care provider to give you a break from caregiving duties.

Navigating the healthcare system as a family caregiver can be challenging, but with the right tools and support, you can ensure that your loved one receives the best possible care.

Lack of Professional Training

As a family caregiver, you may feel unprepared and overwhelmed by the responsibilities that come with caring for a loved one. One of the reasons for this is the lack of professional training. You may not have the necessary knowledge and skills to provide the best care possible.

Without proper training, you may struggle to perform basic tasks such as bathing, dressing, and feeding your loved one. You may also be unsure of how to manage their medications, monitor their health, and respond to emergencies.

Furthermore, caring for a loved one with a chronic illness or disability can be emotionally draining. You may feel isolated, stressed, and anxious about their condition. Without professional training, you may not know how to cope with these feelings or seek support when you need it.

To overcome these challenges, it is important to seek out resources and support. You can attend caregiver training programs, workshops, and support groups to learn new skills and connect with others who are going through similar experiences. You can also consult with healthcare professionals, social workers, and other experts to get advice and guidance on how to provide the best care possible.

Long-Term Impact on Caregiver’s Life

Physical Health

Caregiving can take a toll on your physical health. It can lead to exhaustion, sleep deprivation, and a weakened immune system. You may also develop health problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes due to the stress of caregiving.

Mental Health

Caregiving can also have a negative impact on your mental health. It can cause depression, anxiety, and other mental health problems. You may also experience feelings of guilt, anger, and frustration due to the demands of caregiving.

Social Life

Caregiving can also affect your social life. It can be difficult to find time to socialize with friends and family when you are responsible for the care of a loved one. You may also feel isolated and lonely as a result of caregiving.

Work Life

Caregiving can also impact your work life. It can be difficult to balance caregiving responsibilities with work responsibilities. You may need to take time off from work or reduce your hours to care for a loved one. This can result in a loss of income and career opportunities.

Financial Impact

Caregiving can also have a significant financial impact on your life. You may need to pay for medical expenses, home modifications, and other costs associated with caregiving. You may also need to reduce your work hours or quit your job to provide care, which can result in a loss of income.

Overall, being a family caregiver can be exhausting and have a significant impact on your life. It is important to take care of yourself and seek support from others to prevent burnout.

Caregiving and Caregiver Needs

As a family caregiver, you are tasked with providing care for a loved one who needs your help. While this can be a rewarding experience, it can also be incredibly exhausting. You may find yourself feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and emotionally drained.

It’s important to remember that you are not alone in feeling this way. Many family caregivers experience burnout and exhaustion, and it’s important to take steps to prevent this from happening to you.

One of the most important things you can do is to take care of yourself. This means getting enough rest, eating a healthy diet, and making time for activities that you enjoy. It’s also important to seek support from others, whether that’s through a support group, a therapist, or simply talking to friends and family members who understand what you’re going through.

Another important step is to set boundaries and prioritize your own needs. It’s easy to get caught up in the demands of caregiving and neglect your own needs, but this can lead to burnout and exhaustion. Make sure you’re setting realistic expectations for yourself and your loved one, and don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it.

Finally, remember that it’s okay to take a break. You don’t have to be available 24/7, and taking time to recharge and rejuvenate is important. Whether that’s taking a weekend getaway or simply spending an afternoon doing something you enjoy, make sure you’re taking time for yourself on a regular basis.

Which contradictory emotions affect you the most as a caregiver or care partner?

A Battery is running away from Bat.

What Are the Common Emotions of Family Caregivers?

The frustration and confusion of having two different and contradicting emotions at the same time is how most family caregivers tell their stories. You know that you love them, but you have these other opposite feelings, too, What gives? You are human and you can have two completely different feelings and emotions at the same time. Most of the time, you have one set of feelings and emotions about the persona and another set of feelings and emotions about the situation.

A few examples of conflicting emotions or feelings felt at the same time: aka Mixed Feelings

·       Happy & Sad

·       Excited & Scared

·       Confident & Doubtful

·       Love & Anger

·       Time to be with loved ones and time to be alone

·       Feeling a sense of freedom and relief when the person we have been taking care of dies and we miss them.

Having these mixed emotions drains us. Not because we have them, but because of how we “feel” about having them. Feeling the conflict is what stresses us out. Why? Because we want everything to be “just so” and in a “neat little box.” That is not reality. We must stop beating ourselves up for having mixed feelings or contradictory feelings. Keep fighting the battle of the mixed emotions and you will become emotionally drained Plus you haven’t solved the contradiction and the cycle continues.

Get rid of the word, “but” and replace it with “and.” I love my wife and she makes me crazy. “I’m glad I married him, and at times, I don’t like him very much.” It really is okay to feel your feelings. You don’t have to act on them. It really is okay that you have mixed emotions. Life is messy, relationships are messy and we can all put the “fun” in dysfunctional.

Caregiving can trigger a range of emotions, from love and compassion to frustration and anger. Caregivers may feel overwhelmed, stressed, anxious, guilty, or resentful due to the demands of caregiving. These emotions can affect the caregiver’s quality of life and the quality of care they provide to their loved ones. Understanding and managing these emotions can help caregivers to cope better, reduce stress, and improve their overall well-being.

Understanding Caregiver Emotions

Common emotions experienced by family caregivers

Here are some of the most common emotions experienced by family caregivers:

·        Stress and anxiety: Caregiving can be a stressful and anxiety-provoking experience, particularly when caregivers are responsible for the health and well-being of their loved ones. Caregivers may worry about their loved ones’ health, finances, and future, as well as their own ability to provide care.

·        Guilt: Caregivers may feel guilty about not being able to provide enough care, not being able to spend enough time with their loved ones, or feeling resentful or angry towards their loved ones.

·        Anger and resentment: Caregiving can be a thankless job, and caregivers may feel unappreciated or taken for granted. Caregivers may also feel angry or resentful towards their loved ones for their illness or condition.

·        Sadness and grief: Caregivers may feel sad or grieve for the loss of their loved onone’sealth or for the loss of the relationship they had before their loved ones became ill.

Coping strategies for caregiver emotions

Here are some strategies that caregivers can use to cope with their emotions:

·        Take care of yourself: Caregivers need to take care of their own physical and emotional health in order to provide the best care for their loved ones. This includes eating healthy, getting enough sleep, and taking breaks when needed.

·        Seek support: Caregivers should seek support from family, friends, and support groups. Talking to others who are going through similar experiences can help caregivers feel less alone and more understood.

·        Set boundaries: Caregivers should set boundaries and learn to say no when they need to. This can help prevent burnout and resentment towards their loved ones.

·        Practice self-compassion: Caregivers should practice self-compassion and be kind to themselves. They should remind themselves that they are doing the best they can and that it’s okay to make mistakes.

The Emotional Journey of Caregiving

Initial Shock and Denial

When a loved one is diagnosed with an illness or condition that requires caregiving, family caregivers may experience shock and denial. They may struggle to come to terms with the diagnosis and the changes that it will bring to their lives. This can be a difficult time, as caregivers may feel overwhelmed and unsure of how to move forward. Your hopes and dreams of the future are now either changed or gone. 

Overwhelm and Anxiety

As caregivers begin to take on more responsibilities, they may feel overwhelmed and anxious. They may worry about their loved one’s health and well-being, as well as their own ability to provide care. This can lead to feelings of stress and anxiety, which can take a toll on caregivers’ physical and emotional health. The care receiver’s needs grow over time and at first, those needs were manageable, but now, it is too much. 

Guilt and Regret

Caregivers may also experience feelings of guilt and regret. They may feel guilty for not being able to do more, or for feeling resentful or frustrated at times. They may also regret decisions that they have made or actions that they have taken. These feelings can be difficult to manage, but it is important for caregivers to remember that they are doing the best that they can. You will feel guilt, get used to it. You will have regrets, accept it. You may not have had any good choices, so you must make the choice that you will regret the least. 

Resentment and Anger

As caregiving responsibilities increase, caregivers may also experience feelings of resentment and anger. They may feel resentful of the changes that caregiving has brought to their lives, or of the impact that it has had on their relationships and other responsibilities. They may also feel angry at their loved one’s condition or at the healthcare system. It is important for caregivers to find healthy ways to manage these feelings, such as through self-care or seeking support from others.

Acceptance and Adaptation

Over time, caregivers may begin to accept their new role and find ways to adapt to the challenges of caregiving. They may develop new skills and strategies for managing their loved one’s care and may find a sense of purpose and fulfillment in their role as a caregiver. While caregiving can be challenging, it can also be a rewarding and meaningful experience.

Common Emotions Experienced by Caregivers


Caregiving can be physically and emotionally exhausting, leading to stress. Caregivers may feel overwhelmed, anxious, and irritable. They may also experience physical symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, and sleep disturbances.


Depression is a common emotion experienced by caregivers. They may feel sad, hopeless, and helpless. Caregivers may also experience a loss of interest in activities they once enjoyed.


Caregivers may feel guilty for not being able to do more for their loved ones. They may also feel guilty for taking time for themselves or for feeling angry or resentful.


Caregivers may feel resentful towards their loved ones for the burden of care they have taken on. They may also feel resentful towards other family members who are not helping or towards healthcare professionals who they feel are not providing adequate support.


Caregiving can be isolating, and caregivers may feel lonely and disconnected from their social support networks. They may also feel like they have lost their sense of identity outside of their role as a caregiver.


Caregivers may experience fear about the future, including the health and well-being of their loved ones. They may also fear their own ability to continue providing care. Another fear that arises is the fear of failure and that one is probably the worst one of all. You will not fail, you cannot fail. 

It is important for caregivers to recognize and address these emotions. Seeking support from healthcare professionals, support groups, or family and friends can help caregivers cope with the emotional challenges of caregiving.

Coping Mechanisms for Caregiver Emotions


Taking care of oneself is critical for caregivers. Self-care activities can help caregivers relax and recharge. Here are some self-care activities that caregivers can engage in:

  • Exercise: Regular exercise can help reduce stress and improve mood.
  • Meditation: Meditation can help reduce stress and promote relaxation.
  • Sleep: Getting enough sleep is essential for caregivers to maintain their energy levels.
  • Healthy Eating: Eating a well-balanced diet can help caregivers maintain their physical health.

Support Groups

Caregivers can benefit from joining support groups where they can share their experiences, feelings, and concerns with others who are going through similar situations. Support groups can provide a sense of community and reduce feelings of isolation. Caregivers can find support groups through local hospitals, community centers, or online forums.

Professional Help

Caregivers may benefit from seeking professional help from a therapist or counselor. A therapist can help caregivers manage their emotions and provide coping strategies. Caregivers can find a therapist through their healthcare provider, local hospitals, or online directories.

The Importance of Emotional Health in Caregiving

Caregiving can be an emotionally challenging experience for family members. It is common for caregivers to experience a range of emotions, including stress, anxiety, guilt, and sadness. These emotions can be overwhelming and can have a significant impact on the caregiver’s emotional well-being.

It is important for caregivers to prioritize their emotional health to ensure that they can provide the best care possible for their loved ones. Neglecting emotional health can lead to burnout, depression, and other mental health issues that can affect the caregiver’s ability to provide care.

One way to maintain emotional health is to identify and acknowledge the emotions that arise during caregiving. Caregivers should allow themselves to feel and express their emotions, as bottling up emotions can lead to further stress and anxiety. It is also important to seek support from others, such as family members, friends, or a support group, who can provide a listening ear and emotional support. 

Another way to maintain emotional health is to practice self-care. This can include engaging in activities that bring joy and relaxation, such as reading, listening to music, or taking a walk. Caregivers should also make time for physical exercise, healthy eating, and getting enough sleep.

The emotions just pop up. It is okay, be curious about them. No judgment is allowed, they are thoughts and feelings. You

don’t have to react to them or act on them. Don’t stuff your feelings down, they will eventually come out and it probably won’t be in a good way.

When to Stop Being a Spousal or Family Caregiver

Man holding a post-it note, with a question.

Some signs that it may be time to say “no” to being a family caregiver:

  • Feeling exhausted, stressed, or overwhelmed
  • You are neglecting your own health and well-being
  • You are experiencing financial strain due to caregiving responsibilities (you have to go back to work)
  • You feel angry or resentful towards your loved one
  • You struggle to balance caregiving with other responsibilities such as work or family
  • Your “give a damn” no longer gives a damn

Sense of Duty or Commitment 

You may feel a sense of duty and obligation to provide care for your loved one. However, there may come a point where you can no longer provide the level of care that your loved one needs, or where caregiving is taking a toll on your own physical and emotional health. Knowing when it’s time to stop being a caregiver can be difficult, but it’s important to recognize the signs and evaluate your options.

Recognizing the Signs of Caregiver Burnout is an important first step in determining if it’s time to stop being a caregiver. Caregiver burnout can manifest in physical symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, and insomnia, as well as emotional symptoms such as anxiety, depression, and irritability. If you find yourself experiencing these symptoms, it may be time to reevaluate your caregiving role and consider alternative care options.

Understanding the Effects of Prolonged Caregiving is also crucial in determining when it’s time to stop being a caregiver. Prolonged caregiving can lead to physical and emotional exhaustion, as well as financial strain and social isolation. It’s important to recognize that being a caregiver is a demanding role, and it’s okay to ask for help or seek out alternative care options when necessary.

Recognizing the Signs of Caregiver Burnout

Caring for a loved one can be a rewarding experience, but it can also be physically and emotionally exhausting. Caregiver burnout is a state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion that can occur when caregivers don’t get the help they need, or if they try to do more than they are able, physically or financially. It’s important to recognize the signs of caregiver burnout so that you can take steps to prevent it.

Physical and Emotional Exhaustion

Physical and emotional exhaustion are common signs of caregiver burnout. You may feel tired all the time, even after a good night’s sleep. You may also experience headaches, stomach problems, or other physical symptoms. Emotionally, you may feel overwhelmed, sad, or anxious. You may also feel like you don’t have anything left to give. We probably need to go al little deeper with the list.

Emotional Exhaustion Signs & Symptoms:

  • Nervousness
  • Depression
  • Sense of dread
  • Change in appetite
  • Irrational anger
  • Increased forgetfulness
  • Increased bitterness or pessimism
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Headaches
  • You are experiencing a lack of interest or you are developing an uncaring attitude

Physical Exhaustion Signs & Symptoms:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Stomach issues like gas, bloating or constipation
  • Skin changes like dry skin, acne, or chapped lips
  • Changes in vision (Blurriness)
  • Tiredness or Fatigue that does not go away with good sleep
  • General aches and pains
  • Increased energy or a “wired” feeling
  • Frequent colds or cold-like symptoms

Mental Exhaustion Signs & Symptoms

  • You have insomnia
  • You are easily irritated
  • You lack motivation
  • You are never on time
  • You may experience anxiety attacks
  • You have difficulty making decisions
  • You have emotional detachment
  • You experience self-doubt more often
  • You are struggling to keep personal or work commitments
  • You may cry easily or cry for no reason
  • You may feel dizzy or nauseousness

Neglect of Personal Needs

When you’re a caregiver, it’s easy to neglect your own needs. You may feel like you don’t have time to exercise, eat healthy, or get enough sleep. You may also neglect your own social life, hobbies, or other interests. Neglecting your personal needs can lead to physical and emotional exhaustion and make it harder to provide care for your loved one. Have you heard the phrase, “You can’t pour from an empty cup.”? 

Decreased Patience and Increased Irritability

Caregiver burnout can also lead to decreased patience and increased irritability. You may find yourself getting frustrated more easily, snapping at your loved one, or feeling angry for no reason. This can make it harder to provide care and can strain your relationship with your loved one.

Recognizing the signs of caregiver burnout is the first step in preventing it. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s important to take steps to care for yourself. This may include getting help from family members or friends, taking time for yourself, or seeking professional help. Remember, taking care of yourself is just as important as taking care of your loved one.

Understanding the Effects of Prolonged Caregiving

Impact on Personal Health

Caring for a loved one can take a toll on your physical and mental health. Caregivers are at risk of developing stress-related illnesses such as depression, anxiety, and chronic fatigue. According to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, caregivers are more likely to suffer from chronic illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

To maintain your health, it’s important to take breaks from caregiving and prioritize self-care. Make sure to eat a healthy diet, get enough sleep, and exercise regularly. Consider joining a support group or seeking professional counseling to manage stress and cope with the emotional challenges of caregiving.

Effect on Relationships

Caring for a loved one can also strain your relationships with family and friends. Caregivers often feel isolated and may struggle to maintain social connections. According to a study published in the Journal of Marriage and Family, caregivers are more likely to experience relationship strain and divorce.

To maintain healthy relationships, it’s important to communicate openly and honestly with your loved ones. Make time for social activities and prioritize your own needs. Consider enlisting the help of family and friends to share the caregiving responsibilities.

Financial Implications

Caring for a loved one can also have significant financial implications. Caregivers often have to take time off work or quit their jobs to provide care. According to a report by AARP, caregivers spend an average of $7,000 per year on out-of-pocket expenses related to caregiving.

To manage the financial impact of caregiving, consider seeking financial assistance and support. Look into programs such as Medicaid and Veterans Affairs to help cover the cost of care. Consider enlisting the help of a financial advisor to manage your finances and plan for the future.

Evaluating Alternative Care Options

When the time comes that you can no longer be a spousal or family caregiver, it’s important to consider alternative care options that can meet the needs of your loved one. Here are some options to consider:

Home Health Care Services

Home health care services provide medical care and support in the comfort of your loved one’s own home. These services can include skilled nursing care, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy. In addition, home health aides can assist with activities of daily living such as bathing, dressing, and grooming.

When evaluating home health services, it’s important to consider the level of care your loved one needs, the cost of the services, and the qualifications of the caregivers. You can find home health services through Medicare-certified agencies, private companies, or non-profit organizations. Most of the time you need non-medical home health. 

Assisted Living Facilities

Assisted living facilities provide a combination of housing, personal care services, and health care services. These facilities typically offer private apartments or rooms, meals, housekeeping, and transportation. In addition, they provide assistance with activities of daily living, medication management, and medical care.

When evaluating assisted living facilities, it’s important to consider the location, cost, services provided, and the qualifications of the staff. You can find assisted living facilities through state licensing agencies, referrals from health care professionals, or online directories.

Adult Day Care Centers

Adult day care centers provide a safe and stimulating environment for seniors who require supervision during the day. These centers offer social activities, meals, and assistance with activities of daily living. In addition, they may provide medical care, physical therapy, and occupational therapy.

When evaluating adult day care centers, it’s important to consider the location, cost, services provided, and the qualifications of the staff. You can find adult day care centers through state licensing agencies, referrals from health care professionals, or online directories.

Remember, each alternative care option has its own benefits and drawbacks. It’s important to evaluate each option carefully and choose the one that best meets the needs of your loved one.

Navigating the Transition Process

When it’s time to stop being a spousal or family caregiver, it can be a difficult and emotional process. However, it’s important to navigate this transition process with care and consideration for both you and your loved one. Here are some sub-sections to consider as you navigate this process:

Communicating the Change

It’s important to communicate the change to your loved one in a clear and compassionate way. Be honest about your reasons for needing to step back from your caregiving role and reassure them that they will still receive the care and support they need. Listen to their concerns and be open to discussing alternative care options.

Ensuring Comfort and Safety

As you transition out of your caregiving role, it’s important to ensure that your loved one is comfortable and safe. This may involve hiring a professional caregiver or enlisting the help of family and friends. Make sure that your loved one’s needs are being met and that they are receiving the appropriate level of care. Remember, you will still be a care giver or care partner, you won’t be doing the “hands-on” care. You get to move back into your role of spouse. 

Handling Emotional Responses

It’s normal for both you and your loved one to experience a range of emotions during this transition process. You may feel guilty or sad about stepping back from your hands-on caregiving role, while your loved one may feel anxious or upset about the change. It’s important to acknowledge and validate these emotions, while also providing reassurance and support.

Overall, navigating the transition process when it’s time to stop being a spousal or family hands-on caregiver can be challenging. However, by communicating the change, ensuring comfort and safety, and handling emotional responses with care and compassion, you can help make the process as smooth as possible for both you and your loved one.

Summing it up

Caring for a loved one is a noble and selfless act. However, being a spousal or family caregiver can take a toll on your physical, mental, and emotional health. It is important to recognize when it’s time to stop being a caregiver and seek outside help.

If you feel exhausted, overwhelmed, and isolated, it may be time to take a break from caregiving. Remember, you cannot take care of someone else if you don’t care for yourself. Don’t feel guilty about taking time for yourself or asking for help. It’s okay to prioritize your own well-being.

When considering outside help, there are several options available. You can hire a professional caregiver, enroll your loved one in an adult day care program, or consider assisted living or nursing home care. It’s important to research and evaluate each option carefully to find the best fit for your loved one’s needs and your budget.

It’s also important to have open and honest communication with your loved one about your decision to stop being their caregiver. Be empathetic and understanding, but also firm in your decision. Remember, your loved one’s health and well-being are just as important as your own.

In conclusion, being a spousal or family caregiver is a challenging and rewarding experience. However, it’s important to recognize when it’s time to stop and seek outside help. By prioritizing your own well-being and finding the right care for your loved one, you can ensure that both of you are happy, healthy, and supported.

How does the marriage change when one partner becomes a caregiver?

For better or worse, in sickness and in health. Many have spoken those words and truly meant them at the time. Even if you haven’t had a formal wedding, you have probably chosen to be with each other in the same manner and with the same commitments.

It is all good until a big change happens that will continue for the rest of your lives. Oh crap! Now what? You never expected your wife to have Alzheimer’s disease. You never expected your husband to have Parkinson’s disease. You didn’t plan on Multiple sclerosis to impact your lives. Stroke, Lung cancer, Breast cancer, COPD, Heart disease, etc. It will impact your lives from now on. The stress and strain can become too much to handle.

The care giver or care partner may decide that they did not sign up for this. The care receiver may decide that their partner is not worth a damn in the care giver or helper situation. It is very challenging and at times a very difficult situation. Think about the thoughts and feelings that must arise with a confirmed diagnosis. They are much like the stages of grief which include Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance.

The next choice is…will you do this together or separately? It is a choice, even with a promise made and meant at the time…each of you will have to decide how to move forward. You can’t choose what will happen but you can choose your attitude. So, what will you choose?

When one partner becomes a caregiver, it can be a challenging transition that affects the dynamics of the relationship. Caregiving involves a significant shift in responsibilities, roles, and expectations, which can impact the emotional and physical well-being of both partners. Understanding the changes that occur and how to navigate them can help maintain a healthy and supportive relationship.

The shift from partner to caregiver can be a difficult one to navigate. The caregiver’s role is no longer just that of a loving partner but also that of a primary service provider. This change in dynamic can lead to feelings of loss, fear, anger, resentment, or misunderstanding. It is important to recognize that this is a normal part of the caregiving process and to seek support when needed.

Understanding the Shift

Defining Caregiving

When one partner becomes a caregiver, the dynamics of the relationship change significantly. Caregiving is defined as providing assistance with activities of daily living (ADLs), such as bathing, dressing, and eating, as well as instrumental activities of daily living,(IADLs) such as managing finances, shopping, and transportation. Caregiving can be a demanding and time-consuming task that requires a lot of physical and emotional energy.

Transition from Partner to Caregiver

The transition from partner to caregiver can be challenging and can impact the way the partnership previously worked. It is no longer an equal partnership, and the caregiver often takes on more responsibility and may feel overwhelmed and stressed. As a caregiver, you may need to make adjustments to your daily routine and lifestyle to accommodate the needs of your partner.

It is important to remember that caregiving is a role that you take on out of love and compassion for your partner. However, it is also important to take care of yourself and seek support when needed. Caregiving will be emotionally and physically draining, and it is important to have a support system in place to help you manage the demands of caregiving.

Emotional Impact of Caregiving

Caring for a loved one can be an emotional rollercoaster, and it’s important to acknowledge the impact it can have on your mental and emotional health. Here are some common emotional challenges that caregivers may face:

Stress and Anxiety

Caregiving can be a stressful and overwhelming experience. You may feel like you have to be available 24/7, which can lead to feelings of exhaustion and burnout. It’s important to take breaks and prioritize self-care to avoid getting burnt out. You may also experience anxiety about your loved one’s health and well-being, which can be difficult to manage. It’s important to seek support from friends, family, or a therapist if you are struggling with anxiety. Talk therapy is a good tool for all of us to use.

Feelings of Loss

When one partner becomes a caregiver, the relationship can be lost as it once was. The caregiving role can change the dynamic of the relationship, and it’s important to acknowledge and grieve this loss. You may feel like you have lost your independence or the ability to do things you once enjoyed. It’s important to find new ways to connect with your loved one and maintain your own identity outside of the caregiving role.

It’s important to remember that it’s normal to experience a range of emotions when caring for a loved one. Taking care of yourself and seeking support when needed can help you navigate these challenges and maintain your own well-being.

Communication in Caregiving Relationships

Communication becomes even more important to maintain a strong and healthy relationship. In this section, we will discuss the importance of open dialogue and navigating difficult conversations in caregiving relationships. Learn to communicate with each other for understanding and clarity about wants and needs.

Importance of Open Dialogue

Open dialogue (open-ended questions and not the yes or no types of questions) is crucial in any relationship, but it becomes even more important when one partner becomes a caregiver. As a caregiver, it is important to communicate your needs and feelings to your partner. It is also important to listen to your partner’s needs and feelings. By having open and honest communication, you can work together to find solutions to any challenges that arise. “Communi-friggin-cation,” is the key.

One way to promote open dialogue is to schedule regular check-ins with your partner. This can be a time to discuss any concerns or issues that have come up. It can also be a time to express gratitude and appreciation for each other. Are you seeing a pattern here? The conversations as a care giver or care partner and care receiver are different than the conversations as loving partners.

Navigating Difficult Conversations

Difficult conversations are inevitable in any relationship, and caregiving relationships are especially difficult. It is important to approach these conversations with empathy and understanding. Remember that your partner is going through a difficult time and may be feeling overwhelmed or stressed.

When having a difficult conversation, it is important to listen actively and avoid interrupting your partner. Try to understand their perspective and validate their feelings. You can also use “I” statements to express your own feelings and needs without placing blame on your partner. If you want to start a fight, start a sentence with “You did…” or “You don’t…”

It is also important to take breaks if the conversation becomes too overwhelming. You can agree to return to the conversation later when you both feel more calm and collected. If one person needs or wants a time out, the other person has to respect that. Agree on a time to continue the conversation or fight later.

Maintaining Relationship Dynamics

It is important to maintain a healthy relationship while also fulfilling the duties of a caregiver. Here are some tips to help you keep the love alive and balance caregiving and your personal relationship.

Keeping the Love Alive

It is important to continue to show affection and appreciation for your partner, even when you are both under stress. Here are some ways to keep the love alive:

  • Schedule date nights: Make time for each other by scheduling regular date nights. This can be as simple as watching a movie together or going out for dinner.
  • Show appreciation: Caregiving can be a thankless job, so make sure to show appreciation for your partner’s hard work. A simple thank you or a compliment can go a long way.
  • Physical touch: Don’t underestimate the power of physical touch. A hug or a kiss can help to reduce stress and increase feelings of love and connection.

Balancing Caregiving and Personal Relationship

It can be challenging to balance caregiving and your personal relationship, but it is important to make time for both. Here are some tips to help you balance both aspects of your life:

  • Set boundaries: It is important to set boundaries and communicate your needs with your partner. This can include setting aside time for yourself or asking for help when needed.
  • Divide responsibilities: Divide caregiving responsibilities between you and your partner. This can help to reduce stress and ensure that both of you have time for yourselves.
  • Seek outside help: Don’t be afraid to seek outside help if needed. This can include hiring a professional caregiver or asking family and friends for assistance.

By following these tips, you can maintain a healthy relationship while also fulfilling the duties of a caregiver. Remember to communicate with your partner and make time for each other, even during difficult times.

Seeking Support

Caring for a loved one will be emotionally and physically exhausting. It’s essential to seek support to manage stress and avoid caregiver burnout. Here are two ways to seek support:

Professional Help

Sometimes, you may need professional help to manage the stress of caregiving. A therapist or counselor can help you develop coping strategies and provide emotional support. They can also help you identify any signs of depression or anxiety and offer treatment options.

If you’re struggling to manage your loved one’s medical needs, consider hiring a professional caregiver. A professional caregiver can provide assistance with daily tasks, such as bathing, dressing, and meal preparation. They can also provide respite care, giving you a break from your caregiving responsibilities.

Support Groups

Joining a support group can be an excellent way to connect with others who are going through similar experiences. Support groups can provide a safe space to share your thoughts and feelings and offer emotional support. They can also provide practical advice on managing the challenges of caregiving.

Online support groups are available if you’re unable to attend an in-person group. You can connect with others from the comfort of your own home and participate in discussions and activities.


Becoming a caregiver for your partner can be a challenging experience that can change your relationship in many ways. It is important to understand that caregiving can bring both positive and negative changes to your relationship.

On the one hand, caregiving can strengthen your bond with your partner. You may feel a greater sense of closeness and intimacy as you work together to overcome challenges and support each other through difficult times. Caregiving can also provide opportunities for personal growth and development, as you learn new skills and gain a deeper understanding of your partner’s needs and experiences.

On the other hand, caregiving can also strain your relationship and lead to feelings of stress, frustration, and burnout. It is important to recognize the emotional toll that caregiving can take and to seek out support and resources to help you cope.

One way to manage the impact of caregiving on your relationship is to communicate openly and honestly with your partner. Talk about your feelings, concerns, and needs, and listen to your partner’s perspective as well. It can also be helpful to establish clear boundaries and expectations around caregiving responsibilities and to seek out outside help when needed.

Remember that caregiving is a journey, and it is normal to experience ups and downs along the way. By staying connected with your partner and taking care of yourself, you can navigate the challenges of caregiving and build a stronger, more resilient relationship.

My Husband is Not a Good Caregiver

“He doesn’t do what I want him to do.” “ He acts like he is bothered when I need his help.” “ I have to tell him exactly what to do or nothing gets done,” When these types of statements are made, what is really going on? Probably a lack of good communication. Becoming a family caregiver is on-the-job training. We aren’t born with this set of skills. We need some help and training.

It isn’t always the husbands that are not good caregivers. Sometimes, wives or partners are not good caregivers either. Do you feel like you’re doing all the work and your partner isn’t pulling their weight? It’s not uncommon for one spouse to take on the role of caregiver when the other is sick, disabled, or has a form of dementia.  However, it can be a challenging and overwhelming task with some anger and frustration thrown in for the family caregiver and the care receiver.  

I know, sometimes the care receiver is a pain in the ass. They won’t do what they are told and you are pissed because some of their life choices brought this on. That is another story.

Being a caregiver or a care partner for a spouse can be emotionally, mentally, and physically draining. It’s a role that requires a lot of patience, compassion, and understanding. Unfortunately, not all spouses are cut out for the job. Your husband may be well-intentioned, but if he’s not a good caregiver, it can have negative consequences for both of you. It’s important to recognize the signs that your husband may not be up to the task and take steps to address the issue. You may need to get help.

Understanding Caregiver Roles

Not everyone has the ability to be a caregiver, much less be a good caregiver. It is much easier to be a helper. That role lasts for a little while. It will become more demanding, time-consuming, and more technical. Yes, you will have to learn new skills to do things safely.

Duties of a Good Caregiver

A good caregiver should be able to provide physical, emotional, and social support to the person they are caring for. Some of the duties of a good caregiver include:

  • Assisting with personal care, such as bathing, grooming, and dressing
  • Helping with mobility and transferring
  • Administering medications and managing medical appointments
  • Preparing meals and ensuring proper nutrition
  • Providing companionship and emotional support
  • Keeping the home clean and safe
  • Monitoring and reporting any changes in health or behavior
  • Advocating for the person they are caring for

As a caregiver, it is important to prioritize the needs of the person you are caring for and provide care with respect and dignity. It is also important to communicate effectively with the person you are caring for and their healthcare team to ensure the best possible care. 

Defining Neglect in Caregiving

Neglect in caregiving can be defined as a failure to provide the necessary care and support to the person you are caring for. Neglect can take many forms, including:

  • Failure to provide adequate food, water, or medication
  • Failure to provide proper hygiene and personal care
  • Failure to provide a safe and clean-living environment
  • Failure to provide emotional support and companionship

Neglect can have serious consequences for the person you are caring for, including physical harm, emotional distress, and a decline in overall health. As a caregiver, it is important to recognize the signs of neglect and take steps to prevent it from happening.

Communicating with Your Husband

As a care receiver, it’s important to communicate with your husband about your concerns and expectations. This will help ensure that you’re both on the same page and working together to provide the best possible care. Some of you will need to learn to be better communicators. If emotions are high and tense, it will be better to set a time to have a discussion when all involved are able to maintain their composure while tackling the issue at hand. Yes, I said issue, singular. Let’s have one thing at a time to handle. Just because your husband is the primary caregiver does not mean that he is your only care giver.

Expressing Your Concerns

It’s important to express your concerns to your husband in a clear and respectful manner. Start by identifying specific issues that you’re having and how they’re impacting your day-to-day needs.  Understand that your husband or partner may be feeling overwhelmed or stressed out, or maybe struggling to balance caregiving with other responsibilities. Caring for someone is hard. Receiving care is hard, too.

When you’re talking to your husband, try to use “I” statements instead of “you” statements. This will help avoid blame and keep the conversation focused on your feelings and needs. For example, instead of saying “You’re not doing enough to help,” you could say “I’m feeling overwhelmed and could use some more support.” No one is a mind reader and both of you need to be clear and concise when talking to each other.

Setting Expectations

It’s also important to set expectations with your husband about what you need from him as a caregiver. This may include specific tasks that he can help with, such as preparing meals or assisting with bathing and dressing. As the care receiver, it is of utmost importance that you do everything that you can to maintain your own independence. You may also need to discuss boundaries and how you can respect each other’s needs and preferences.

When setting expectations, be clear and specific about what you need, what your care needs are, and why it’s important. You may also want to discuss how you can work together to problem-solve and find solutions when issues arise.

Remember, communication is key when it comes to caregiving. By expressing your concerns and setting expectations with your husband, you can work together to find doable and workable solutions. 

Seeking Professional Help

If you have come to the realization that your husband is not a good caregiver for you or your loved one, it is important to seek professional help. Here are a few options to consider:

Consulting a Therapist

A therapist can provide you with a safe and confidential space to express your feelings and concerns about your husband’s caregiving abilities. They can help you work through any emotional challenges you may be facing and provide you with coping strategies to deal with the situation. A therapist can also help you and your husband work through any communication issues that may be contributing to the problem. I highly recommend talk therapy.

Reaching Out to Support Groups

Joining a support group can provide you with a sense of community and understanding. You can connect with other caregivers who may be going through similar situations and share your experiences. Support groups can also provide you with valuable resources and information on how to best care for your loved one.

It is important to remember that seeking professional help does not mean that you are giving up on your husband or your relationship. It simply means that you are taking steps to ensure that you and your loved one receive the best care possible. Don’t wait until it is too late and everyone has hurt feelings and is madder than dammit. You may wind up in divorce court.

Self-Care for You

Being a caregiver can be a challenging and stressful experience. It’s important to remember that taking care of yourself is just as important as taking care of your wife. In this section, we will discuss some self-care tips that can help you manage stress and find personal support.

Managing Stress

  • Take breaks: Make sure to take breaks throughout the day to do something you enjoy, like reading a book or taking a walk.
  • Practice relaxation techniques: Deep breathing, meditation, and yoga are all great ways to reduce stress.
  • Get enough sleep: Make sure to get enough sleep each night to help you feel rested and refreshed.
  • Exercise: Regular exercise can help reduce stress and improve your overall health.

Finding Personal Support

It’s important to have a support system in place to help you through the challenges of caregiving. Here are some ways to find personal support:

  • Join a support group: Joining a support group for caregivers can be a great way to connect with others who are going through similar experiences. There are some men-only groups in Knoxville and Maryville
  • Talk to a friend or family member: Talking to a friend or family member about your feelings can help you feel less alone.
  • Seek professional help: If you’re feeling overwhelmed, consider talking to a therapist or counselor.

Remember, taking care of yourself is just as important as taking care of your wife. By managing stress and finding personal support, you can better care for yourself and your wife.

Legal Considerations

If you are in a situation where your husband is not able to provide adequate care, it’s important to understand your legal rights and options. In this section, we will cover two main sub-sections: Understanding Your Rights and Considering Legal Action.

Understanding Your Rights

As a caregiver, you have certain rights that are protected by law. These rights include:

  • The right to access information about your loved one’s medical condition and treatment options.
  • The right to make decisions about your loved one’s medical care, as long as they are unable to make those decisions for themselves.
  • The right to be involved in the development of your loved one’s care plan.
  • The right to receive support and training to help you provide care.

It’s important to understand these rights and how they apply to your situation. If you feel that your rights are being violated, it may be necessary to take legal action.

Considering Legal Action

If you are considering legal action, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, it’s important to gather evidence to support your case. This may include medical records, witness statements, and other documentation.

Second, you should consider working with an attorney who has experience in elder law and caregiving issues. An attorney can help you understand your legal options and guide you through the process.

Legal action can be a difficult and stressful process, but it may be necessary to protect your rights and the rights of your loved one. If you are considering legal action, it’s important to weigh the potential benefits and risks carefully.


In conclusion, being a spousal caregiver can be a challenging and overwhelming experience. It is important to recognize when the caregiving responsibilities are becoming too risky and you need to seek outside help. Signs of caregiver strain can include physical symptoms like headaches, body aches, and abdominal discomfort, as well as feeling isolated from friends and family.

It is also important to remember that being a caregiver does not mean that you have to do everything alone. You can ask for help from family members, friends, or professional caregivers. Don’t be afraid to reach out for support when you need it.

If you are feeling resentful or overwhelmed by your caregiving responsibilities, it is important to address these feelings and find ways to cope. This may include taking breaks, practicing self-care, and seeking counseling or therapy.

Remember that being a spousal caregiver is not easy, and it is okay to feel frustrated or overwhelmed at times. But with the right support and resources, you can continue to provide care for your loved one while also taking care of yourself.

How to Be a Good Caregiver to Your Partner

Your partner needs a care partner or a caregiver. That means that they need some help with activities of daily living (ADL’s) or instrumental activities of daily living (IADL’s). You may not have ever heard these phrases before, but you do know what they are. ADL’s are basic self-care tasks (bathing, dressing, feeding, walking, toileting, transferring). IADL’s are things that require more complex thinking skills and organizational skills (managing medications, managing finances, managing telephone and mail, managing transportation, managing shopping and meal preparation, cleaning the house, and home maintenance).

It may only be for a short time, but it can be for a long time. To make this time easier for all involved, it is necessary to know each other’s preferences and how we like things done. I would bet that you do not know your partner’s exact daily routine. If you want to get people all out of sorts, then do things as you do and not as they do. Talk about resistance, having a fight, and other unpleasant things… it will happen.

We are creatures of habit, our own habits or ways of doing things. We have done them since we were little; it is second nature. We don’t even think about it, because it is so routine. This is one reason why habits are good. Once we learn them, we no longer have to use brain energy to do them.

How do you put on your jacket? How do you put on your underwear, pants, socks, shirt, shoes, and belt? Which arm do you put in first? In what order do you get dressed? When do you brush your teeth? Now that you have thought about how you do those things, I want you to mess up the order and put the opposite arm or leg into the appropriate clothing. Don’t just think about it, actually do it. How did that make you feel? Did it throw you off, a little? Did you feel weird or anxious?

Now, imagine that someone was helping you to get dressed and they did it their way, which is the opposite of the way you do it. They are forcing you to do it their way and they don’t even know it. Nor do they know that it is aggravating you. Hell, you didn’t know it was aggravating you until you experienced it. I have created a Word document to help you and your loved one to check off and write down your preferences. Take a look at it and use it.

My Way Click on the link to view and download sheets to use.

To be an effective caregiver, you must understand your partner’s needs and provide the right level of care. This includes managing their medical needs, providing emotional support, and ensuring personal care. Effective communication is also essential, as it helps you to understand your partner’s needs and helps them to feel heard and valued. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is also important, as it helps you to stay physically and mentally fit, which is crucial when caring for someone else. If you are not able to be the primary caregiver because you are no longer able to be a caregiver, who will take care of both of you?

Understanding Your Partner’s Needs

Don’t assume that you know what they want or need. Ask them and watch your tone. Are you able to be a helper at this moment or do you need a break? You have to find a way to communicate and understand what is needed and wanted.

1. Listen to Your Partner

Communication is the key to understanding your partner’s needs. Listen to your partner carefully, and try to understand what they are saying. Encourage them to express their feelings and needs. Be patient and empathetic while listening to them. Avoid interrupting them or dismissing their feelings.

2. Observe Your Partner

Observing your partner’s behavior can help you understand their needs better. Pay attention to their body language and facial expressions. Notice any changes in their behavior or mood. These observations can help you identify their needs and provide appropriate care.

3. Be Flexible

Being a caregiver requires flexibility. You may need to adjust your schedule or routine to accommodate your partner’s needs. Be open to change and willing to adapt to new situations. Flexibility can help you provide the best care possible while maintaining a healthy relationship with your partner.

4. Provide Emotional Support

Caregiving can be emotionally draining for both you and your partner. Providing emotional support can help alleviate stress and improve your partner’s well-being. Be a good listener, offer words of encouragement, and provide reassurance when needed.

5. Respect Your Partner’s Independence

Your partner may want to maintain some level of independence, even if they need your help. Respect their wishes and avoid being overprotective. Encourage them to do things on their own when possible. This approach can help your partner maintain their dignity and sense of self-worth. Yes, it will probably take longer, but that is okay. You want them to have as much independence as possible and they need that too.

Being respectful also helps strengthen your bond and improves your relationship.

Effective Communication

Effective communication is essential for being a good caregiver to your partner. Here are some tips to help you communicate better:

  • Be clear and concise: It’s important to be clear and concise when communicating with your partner. Avoid using long, complicated sentences or jargon that they may not understand. Speak in a calm and reassuring manner, and try to avoid raising your voice or using a confrontational tone.
  • Listen actively: Active listening means paying attention to what your partner is saying, and responding in a way that shows you understand and care. Try to avoid interrupting or finishing their sentences, and ask clarifying questions if you’re not sure what they mean.
  • Use “I” statements: Using “I” statements can be a more effective way to communicate than using “you” statements. For example, instead of saying “You’re not doing this right,” say “I’m feeling a little overwhelmed right now, could you help me with this?”
  • Be patient: Being a caregiver can be stressful and challenging, and it’s important to be patient with your partner. Try to avoid getting frustrated or angry if they don’t understand something or if they’re having a bad day. Remember that they are going through a difficult time too.
  • Be respectful: Respect is key to any good relationship, and it’s especially important when you’re caring for someone else. Treat your partner with kindness and compassion, and try to avoid criticizing or belittling them.

By following these tips, you can improve your communication with your partner and strengthen your relationship as a caregiver and care recipient.

Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle

As a caregiver for your partner, it’s important to prioritize your own health and well-being. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help you stay energized and focused, which in turn can help you provide better care for your loved one. Here are some tips for balancing your diet and encouraging exercise:

Balancing Diet

Eating a balanced diet can help you maintain your energy levels and avoid health problems. As a caregiver, it’s easy to fall into the trap of relying on fast food or skipping meals altogether. However, taking the time to plan and prepare healthy meals can help you feel better and stay focused. Good nutrition gives you energy. Giving your body what it needs will help you to feel better and actually be better.

Consider the following tips for balancing your diet:

  • Plan ahead: Take some time each week to plan out your meals and snacks. This can help you avoid impulse purchases and ensure that you have healthy options on hand.
  • Focus on whole foods: Try to eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. These foods can provide the nutrients and energy your body needs to function at its best.
  • Avoid processed foods: Processed foods are often high in sugar, salt, and unhealthy fats. Try to limit your intake of these foods and focus on whole, unprocessed options instead.
  • Stay hydrated: Drinking enough water can help you stay alert and focused. Aim for at least eight glasses of water per day. Help your care receiver to stay hydrated too.

Encouraging Exercise

Regular exercise can help you maintain your physical and mental health. It can also help you manage stress and improve your mood. As a caregiver, it’s important to make time for exercise, even if it’s just a few minutes each day. Even 10 minute blocks can help.

Consider the following tips for encouraging exercise:

  • Find activities you enjoy: Exercise doesn’t have to be a chore. Find activities that you enjoy, such as walking, swimming, yoga, or gardening.
  • Make it a priority: Schedule time for exercise each day, even if it’s just a few minutes. This can help you stay motivated and make exercise a habit. Develop that good habit.
  • Involve your partner: If your partner is able, consider involving them in your exercise routine. This can be a great way to spend quality time together while also staying active.
  • Start small: If you’re new to exercise, start small and gradually increase your activity level. This can help you avoid injury and build your confidence.

Remember, taking care of yourself is an important part of being a good caregiver. By maintaining a healthy lifestyle, you can stay energized and focused, which can help you provide better care for your partner.

Managing Medical Needs

Going to the doctor’s appointments with them, taking notes, and understanding why they are taking the medications that they are taking helps you to be an important part of your loved one’s care team. You may be responsible for giving them their medications.

Administering Medication

Administering medication can be a daunting task, but it is an essential part of caregiving. Here are some tips to make the process easier:

  • Create a schedule: Keep a schedule of when medication needs to be taken and how much. You can use a medication tracker app or a simple spreadsheet to keep track of this information.
  • Use reminders: Set reminders on your phone or use a medication dispenser to ensure that medication is taken on time.
  • Follow instructions: Make sure you understand the instructions for each medication, including how to take it and any potential side effects.
  • Store medication properly: Keep the medication in a cool, dry place, out of reach of children and pets. Do not place medication in bathrooms or other hot and humid areas.

Attending Medical Appointments

Attending medical appointments is an important part of managing your partner’s medical needs. Here are some tips to make the process easier:

  • Prepare for the appointment: Write down any questions or concerns you have before the appointment. Bring a list of medications and any relevant medical history.
  • Take notes: During the appointment, take notes on what the doctor says and any instructions they give you.
  • Ask questions: Don’t be afraid to ask questions if you don’t understand something. It’s important to have a clear understanding of your partner’s medical condition and treatment plan.
  • Follow up: After the appointment, follow up with any instructions or referrals the doctor gave you. Keep track of any follow-up appointments or tests that need to be scheduled.

Managing medical needs can be overwhelming, but by following these tips, you can ensure that your partner receives the best possible care.

Providing Emotional Support

Emotional support may not be something that you are good at, but you can learn and be very effective. You can help your loved one to feel loved and cared for. If you have been a manager before, then you have learned some of these techniques and now you can apply what you have learned at home.

  • Listen actively: When your partner is sharing their thoughts and feelings with you, make sure to listen actively. This means giving them your full attention, asking clarifying questions, and reflecting back on what you hear to show that you understand.
  • Offer validation: It’s important to validate your partner’s emotions, even if you don’t necessarily agree with them. Let them know that you understand how they’re feeling and that their emotions are valid.
  • Be patient: Providing emotional support can sometimes be a long and difficult process. Be patient with your partner and offer them your support over time.
  • Offer words of encouragement: Let your partner know that you believe in them and that you’re proud of them. Offer words of encouragement when they’re feeling down or struggling with something.
  • Help them stay positive: Encourage your partner to focus on the positive aspects of their life, even when things are tough. Help them to see the good in every situation.
  • Be empathetic: Try to put yourself in your partner’s shoes and understand what they’re going through. This will help you to provide more meaningful emotional support.

Providing emotional support can be a powerful way to show your partner that you care about them and are committed to their well-being. By listening actively, offering validation, being patient, offering words of encouragement, helping them stay positive, and being empathetic, you can make a real difference in your partner’s life. If you or your partner need a vent session, that is fine. Set the timer to 10 to 15 minutes and vent away. When the timer goes off, then the vent session is over. Start focusing on solutions and not the problems.

Ensuring Personal Care

Taking care of your partner’s personal hygiene and mobility can be an essential part of caregiving. Here are some tips to ensure your partner’s personal care:

Assisting with Personal Hygiene

It is embarrassing to ask your partner to help wipe your butt. Personal hygiene is a sensitive topic, but a necessary one. It does help to look at it as a job and to use gloves when providing this type of care. Using gloves seems to help differentiate between a job needed to be done and a physical, personal touch. Maintain dignity.

  • Encourage your partner to maintain their regular hygiene routine.
  • Assist your partner with bathing, grooming, and dressing as needed.
  • Help your partner with toileting and incontinence care if necessary.
  • Ensure your partner’s bedding and clothing are clean and changed regularly.

Helping with Mobility

Mobility is another critical aspect of personal care. Here are some ways to assist your partner with mobility:

  • Help your partner with transferring in and out of bed or chairs. Get yourself properly trained on how to do this safely.
  • Assist your partner with walking and getting around as needed.
  • Make sure your partner’s living space is safe and accessible.
  • Consider using mobility aids such as walkers or canes to help your partner move around more easily.

Dealing with Stress and Burnout

As a caregiver to your partner, it is essential to take care of yourself and manage stress and burnout. Here are some tips to help you deal with caregiver stress:

Take breaks

Taking breaks is crucial to avoid burnout. It is essential to take some time for yourself to relax, recharge, and do things you enjoy. Consider asking a family member or a friend to help you take care of your partner for a few hours or hire a respite caregiver to give you some time off.

Seek support

It is okay to ask for help and support when you need it. Join a support group for caregivers or talk to a therapist to help you cope with the challenges of caregiving. You can also seek help from community resources, such as meal delivery services or transportation services, to help ease some of your caregiving responsibilities. Hire someone to clean the house.

Practice self-care

Taking care of yourself is essential for your well-being. Make sure to eat healthy, exercise regularly, and get enough sleep. Practice relaxation techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, or yoga to help you manage stress.

Set realistic expectations

It is essential to set realistic expectations for yourself and your partner. Accept that you cannot do everything and that it is okay to ask for help. Set boundaries and prioritize your tasks to avoid feeling overwhelmed.

Know the signs of burnout

It is crucial to recognize the signs of burnout and take action to prevent it. Some signs of burnout include feeling exhausted, irritable, or overwhelmed, losing interest in activities you used to enjoy, and having trouble sleeping. If you experience any of these symptoms, seek help and take a break to prevent burnout.

By taking care of yourself and managing stress and burnout, you can be a better caregiver to your partner and provide them with the support they need. Remember, it is okay to ask for help and take breaks, and taking care of yourself is essential for your well-being.

Seeking Professional Help

Sometimes, being a caregiver can become overwhelming and stressful, and it’s okay to seek professional help. It’s important to remember that you don’t have to do everything alone, and there are people who can help you. Talk therapy can be a real help to you and your loved one.

One option is to talk to a therapist or counselor. They can provide a safe and confidential space for you to discuss your feelings and challenges. They can also help you develop coping strategies and provide emotional support.

Another option is to reach out to your partner’s doctor or neurologist. They can offer guidance on how to manage your partner’s condition and provide helpful strategies. They can also help you understand your partner’s diagnosis and what to expect in the future.

If your partner is resistant to seeking professional help, it’s important to be patient and understanding. Try to listen to their objections and concerns and address them in a calm and respectful manner. You can also share your own experiences and feelings with them and explain how seeking help can benefit both of you. If they won’t go, then you go ahead and go for yourself.

Remember, seeking professional help is not a sign of weakness. It’s a proactive step towards improving your own well-being and providing the best care for your partner.


Being a care partner or caregiver is a journey and not a destination. Some hours are good and some hours suck. Some days are good and some days suck. Be kind to yourself and each other.

Taming Your Defensiveness in Trying Times

Become a better listener

Defensiveness rears its ugly head when we are tired or feeling overwhelmed. Assume plays a big part in the problem. You assume that he meant, “JKL”, but he didn’t mean that at all. You assume she meant, “DEF”, but she didn’t mean that at all. As we all have learned assume makes an ass out of you (u) and me.

One person makes a statement or comment and the fight is on. Most of the time it is unintentional. There are times when it is intentional and that is a whole other article. We are going to look at the unintentional statements or comments this time.

Who are you more like in this story?

Once upon a time, there was a couple, Sarah and John, who had been together for several years. They were usually loving and understanding with each other, but like any couple, they faced challenges from time to time.

One particular week, both Sarah and John had been overwhelmed with work and personal commitments, leaving them emotionally and physically exhausted. They barely had any time to connect or relax, and this took a toll on their relationship.

One evening, after a long and draining day, Sarah arrived home feeling utterly exhausted. She longed for some peace and quiet, hoping to unwind and recharge. John, on the other hand, had also had a demanding day and was feeling no better.

As Sarah entered the house, she immediately noticed that John seemed agitated. Hoping to engage in a calm conversation, she asked how his day went. However, John, tired and overwhelmed, misunderstood her tone as accusatory and defensive.

Sensing hostility where there was none, John defensively replied, “It was a terrible day, all right? Just like every other day lately! I don’t need you to remind me of that!” Sarah, taken aback by his response, felt hurt and confused as she didn’t mean any harm with her question.

Feeling her own exhaustion kicking in, Sarah’s emotions went haywire, and instead of responding calmly, she mirrored John’s defensiveness. “Oh, so now I can’t even ask about your day without you snapping at me? I’m exhausted too, you know!” she exclaimed.

The conversation quickly turned into a heated exchange of frustrations and misunderstandings. Both Sarah and John’s exhaustion clouded their judgment, causing them to misread each other’s intentions and statements.

Realizing the escalating situation, Sarah took a deep breath and decided to break the cycle. She managed to find the strength to say, “I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to come across that way. I’m just really tired, and I thought we could share our struggles and support each other.” John, noticing Sarah’s vulnerability, softened and replied, “I’m sorry too. I misinterpreted your question, and I know we’re both feeling drained.”

They sat down together, allowing their exhaustion to be acknowledged. Both Sarah and John understood that it was their mutual tiredness and stress that had led to the misunderstanding. They realized it was essential to give each other space to decompress and be patient during challenging times.

From that day forward, Sarah and John made a commitment to communicate openly about their exhaustion levels and provide each other with the understanding and support they needed. They recognized the importance of approaching conversations with empathy, especially when both parties were drained.

Over time, as Sarah and John prioritized rest and relaxation, they found that their misunderstandings became fewer and farther between. They learned to be more patient with themselves and each other, ultimately strengthening their bond. The story of their exhaustion-induced misunderstanding became a valuable lesson in the power of empathy and self-care within a relationship.

Who did you most relate to?

Everything was pretty spot on until you reached the paragraph that began with “Realizing the escalating situation, …” You know as well as I know that Sarah did not take a deep breath and decide to break the cycle and John did not settle down or try to understand what was really going on. The things in those last four paragraphs are what we need to learn and work on to be more effective communicators.

Why do people become defensive?

People become defensive for various reasons, and it is a natural human response when they feel attacked, criticized, or feel the need to protect themselves or their beliefs. Some common reasons why people become defensive include:

  1. Self-preservation: When people feel their self-esteem or sense of self is being threatened, they may become defensive as a way to protect themselves from harm or emotional pain.
  2. Fear of judgment or rejection: People may fear being judged negatively by others or being rejected, so they become defensive to shield themselves from potential harm.
  3. Protecting beliefs and values: When someone’s beliefs, values, or opinions are challenged, they may become defensive in an attempt to uphold and defend their personal ideas or identity.
  4. Lack of trust: If there is a lack of trust or a history of feeling attacked in a particular relationship or situation, individuals may become defensive as a way to safeguard themselves from further harm or hurt.
  5. Misunderstood intentions: Sometimes people misinterpret or misjudge the intentions of others, leading them to become defensive even if the intention was not to attack or criticize.
  6. Emotional triggers: Certain topics or issues can trigger emotional responses in individuals, leading them to become defensive as a way to manage or cope with these strong emotions.

It’s important to note that defensiveness can hinder effective communication and understanding, so it is often beneficial to approach conversations with empathy, respect, and an open mind to reduce defensiveness and encourage constructive dialogue.

How you can diffuse defensiveness and keep the conversation from spiraling out of control

  1. Choose your words carefully: Use non-judgmental and non-confrontational language when expressing your thoughts or concerns. Avoid accusatory language that might trigger defensiveness in the other person.
  2. Be empathetic: Try to understand the emotions and perspectives of the person you are communicating with. Show empathy by acknowledging their feelings and concerns, which can help create a more receptive environment. You don’t have to agree with them, but you do need to understand them.
  3. Use “I” statements: Instead of making generalizations or criticizing the other person, focus on expressing your own feelings and thoughts using statements like “I feel” or “I think.” This helps to avoid a defensive reaction since it doesn’t put blame directly on them.
  4. Active listening: Show genuine interest in what the other person is saying. Give them your full attention, maintain eye contact, and make clarifying statements or ask open-ended questions to demonstrate understanding. This can help the person feel heard and valued, reducing defensiveness.
  5. Avoid personal attacks: Stick to the issue at hand and avoid attacking or criticizing the person directly. Focus on discussing the problem or situation without resorting to personal insults or negative language.
  6. Find common ground: Look for areas of agreement or common interests to create a sense of collaboration. By finding shared goals or values, you can shift the conversation to a more cooperative and less defensive tone.
  7. Take breaks if necessary: If the conversation becomes heated or unproductive, it’s okay to take a break and revisit the discussion later when both parties are calmer and more open to dialogue.

Remember, diffusing defensiveness requires patience, understanding, and a willingness to listen and find common ground. It may not work in every situation, but employing these strategies can help create a more constructive and open conversation.

How to become more open-minded

Having an open mind is a valuable quality that can help you grow personally and improve your relationships with others. Here are some steps you can take to develop a more open mind:

  1. Embrace curiosity: Be curious about different perspectives, ideas, cultures, and experiences. Instead of dismissing or judging something, approach it with curiosity and a desire to understand.
  2. Practice empathy: Put yourself in others’ shoes and try to understand their point of view. This can help you become more tolerant and accepting of different opinions, beliefs, and lifestyles.
  3. Challenge your assumptions: Question your own biases and beliefs. Reflect upon why you hold certain opinions and be open to the possibility that they may be based on limited information or personal experiences.
  4. Seek out diverse perspectives: Surround yourself with people who have different backgrounds, thoughts, and beliefs. Engage in discussions with them and be open to learning from their experiences.
  5. Explore new ideas and experiences: Read books, watch documentaries, listen to podcasts, or attend events that expose you to new ideas and perspectives. Step out of your comfort zone and try new activities that push you to think differently.
  6. Stay open to learning: Cultivate a growth mindset and see every experience as an opportunity to learn and grow. Be willing to admit when you’re wrong and adjust your thinking accordingly.
  7. Practice active listening: Focus on fully understanding what others are saying rather than just waiting for your turn to speak. Ask questions and engage in meaningful conversations to gain different insights.
  8. Let go of judgment: Avoid jumping to conclusions or making assumptions about people or situations. Instead, approach them with an open and non-judgmental mindset.
  9. Embrace uncertainty: Realize that there is often more than one way to approach a situation or solve a problem. Be comfortable with ambiguity and be open to exploring different possibilities.
  10. Be patient with yourself: Developing an open mind is a continuous process. It takes time and effort. Be patient with yourself and celebrate small progress along the way.

Becoming more open-minded doesn’t mean you get rid of all of your beliefs; it means learning why you believe what you believe. Challenging your beliefs, thoughts, and feelings is a good thing. You learn what you value. You can actually learn what you believe and not what someone else told you to believe. You may have been taught things that are not true. Challenge your biases. Learning and growing is a good thing. Being able to change your mind is a good thing.

What is the common denominator in folks diagnosed with any of the following?

Stroke, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Dementia, Epilepsy, Diabetes, & Mental Health disorders

They will need a Care Partner or Caregiver.

What is the difference between a Care Partner and a Caregiver?

Some of you may have never heard the phrase “Care Partner” and are wondering what is the difference between that and a caregiver. A caregiver does things “To” the care receiver and a care partner does things” With” the care receiver. For example, a caregiver may take the spoon and feed the care receiver while the care partner will place their hand under the care receiver’s hand and assists.

Care partners assist with the care while encouraging the person to do all they can do. Yes, it will take longer. Yes, it will probably be messier. Your care receiver needs those successes. They still need to feel useful. They want to contribute, in some way. They want to be as independent as possible and their dignity deserves it.

Are You a Care Partner or a Caregiver?

Quite a few folks never identify as a caregiver or a care partner. They view it as “helping them out.” Taking them to the doctor or to the store is another act of caregiving that is never thought of as caregiving.

Family members, take a look at your role in your care receiver’s life. Is it better for them and you to be a caregiver or a care partner, at this time in your journey? Over time things will change, but right now, what is best? I use both terms interchangeably and am learning that it would be better to use both terms correctly and speak to both the caregiver and the care partner.

I recently saw a new phrase, “Chronic condition care” and I kind of like that, too. We can call it all kinds of things, but we are stuck until the folks providing the help and care identify with those phrases. I look at folks and see that they are clearly Care partners or caregivers, but they never think of themselves that way. Why?

I suppose some think of it as a natural or normal part of the relationship. Some look at it as “just something you do.” Others may fear that if they use the term caregiver, they will have to step up even more and don’t want to do that.

What if you would try the care partnership model first, to improve your loved one’s quality of life? Your role as a care partner may change, over time, but take time to connect with your loved one as you figure out a treatment plan and medication that may help. Strengthen your relationship with your loved one. Communicate what you are feeling (stress and anxiety, fatigue, fear, and whatever else comes up) with your loved one. Too often we clam up and go into protective or preservation mode because of the unknowns. The walls go up and the communication goes way down. Let’s try to reverse this.

If you take on these responsibilities, you are a care partner or caregiver.

If you “help with”, “coordinate care for”, “make appointments for and get them there”, or “see to the care of” …you are a care partner and are probably a caregiver. Yes, even if you don’t do the “hands-on” care. It seems as though the Parkinson’s world has tapped into this Care partner idea much better than the rest of us. Family members and friends can be great Care partners.

Becoming a Care Partner or a Caregiver is a change and sometimes, you don’t want that so you won’t identify with those terms. You are afraid your identity may have to change and you don’t want that. You will help out. What you don’t realize is you are missing out on all of the help available to you and your loved one. It is difficult enough without you making it more difficult.

Being a care partner or a caregiver is hard, but it is not always bad. You don’t have to suffer, hell you can even thrive with the right guidance. Email me and we will set a time to chat and see.

Interesting Read Below:

I saw this on Eurocare and would like to share it with you, The Stages of Caregiving. Read it and see where you are in your journey.

Stage 1: The Expectant Carer

Who are you?

You have a growing concern that, within the near future, your family member or friend will need more and more of your assistance and time. You’re concerned because of your relative’s age, past and present medical condition, and current living condition.

Your keyword: Ask

–Ask questions of your caree.
–Ask questions of health care professionals.
–Ask questions of lawyers and financial planners.
–Ask questions of your family members who may be involved in the caregiving role.

Your Challenge

To learn and understand your caree’s needs: health, financial and emotional.

Your Purpose

You expect to become a family carer; this is your time to prepare. You should research options, gather information, and provide the opportunity for your caree to share his or her feelings and values. This is also your time to concentrate on taking care of yourself–keeping up with family and friends, enjoying your hobbies and interests, pursuing your career goals.

As an “expectant carer,” what can you do?

1. Consult with a good lawyer familiar with eldercare issues. Find out about durable powers of attorney for finances and health care as well as living wills; start the process to ensure your caree has the necessary legal papers in order. Ask the attorney: What do we need to know to be prepared for the future? What additional documents will we need? What should we keep in mind? (A durable power of attorney for finances and health care appoints an agent to make decisions on behalf of your caree when he or she is unable to. If you live in one state and your caree in another, consider having documents created for both states)

2. Determine financial situations. Knowing the financial status of your caree can help determine future health care choices. Determine monthly income from pensions and social security; learn about annuities, stock investments and bank accounts. Meet with financial planners to understand how to ensure investments last as long as possible.

3. Investigate community health care options. Which home health care agencies offer quality, affordable home care? Which housing options are available–retirement communities, assisted living centers? Contact community organizations to request brochures and pamphlets. In addition, consider your family member’s current living condition. Will your aging relative be able to reside safely in her home if she uses a wheelchair, becomes bed-bound? What changes can you make today that will prevent future barriers to providing care in her home? Or, are the necessary changes almost an impossibility? If so, what other options do you have: your home, an assisted living facility, a retirement community?

4. Determine the current health care providers. Be familiar with physicians and learn as much as you can about medications.

5. Concentrate on the reality of the situations. Keep a realistic view of your situation: What’s the worst that could happen? What’s the best possible outcome? Then, determine what options are available for each of these outcomes.

6. Start a journal; chronicle your feelings, your concerns and your actions. You may be surprised at feelings of loss. Your preparation of the future allows you to see what your caree–and you–might lose. You both will experience changes in your relationship, your schedules, your amount of freedom. Write down your thoughts about the potential losses–and how you might be able to hang on to them, through minor adjustments and changes, for a little longer.

7. Take time to sort out your own issues. It’s easy to overlook these issues when life seems easy. Caregiving, especially as it intensifies, will make life hard. And, it’s harder if you have unresolved emotional work as it relates to your caree or other family members. If you have difficulty standing up for yourself or finding your voice, this is a good time to work with a therapist or life coach to gain confidence in your decisions and your voice. Do you struggle with the idea of asking for help? Now is a good time to figure out why and start practicing. Knowing how and when to ask for help is a great skill, which will become a huge asset for you. “The Four Agreements, A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom,” a book by Don Miguel Ruiz, offers insights about our personal codes of conduct. As your caregiving journey continues, you’ll interact with family, friends and health care professionals who will drive you nuts. This book will give you the tools so you can stay sane.

8. Find your best shape–physically and financially. Find a work-out routine you like. Maximize the amount of healthy foods you eat. Pay off your debts. Save as much as you can. Uncomfortable managing money? Read books and take  classes (online and in your community) to become comfortable. You’ll need to be at your best—physically, emotionally and financially

9. Learn your caree’s life story. Document the story in a journal, video or audio recording. Collect recipes, photos, letters, poems and records that reflect your caree’s life and achievements. Ask questions about your caree’s childhood, parents, siblings and first loves. Involve other family members, including children, in the discussions.

10. Begin each day with the knowledge that you have love. Perhaps the toughest battles in caregiving begin within. Most battles really are about whether or not you are loved—by your caree, by other family members, by friends, by your significant other. End the battle now: Know you have the love. Know it now so you can remind yourself later.

11. An apple a day… What can you do on a regular basis to keep yourself healthy? Be good to yourself—you are too important today (and tomorrow and every day after that) to let your own health slip. In other words, what’s your apple?

Quick Tip: Organize forms and documents that you’ll need in the future.  

Stage 2: The Freshman Carer

Who are you?

You’ve begun to help your family member on a regular basis, weekly, perhaps even a few times a week. Your duties range from errand-running and bill-paying to some assistance with hands-on care.

Your keyword: Find

–Find services that help. –Find support that comforts. –Find ways to enjoy your hobbies and interest.

Your Challenge

To discover solutions that work.

Your Purpose

This is your entry into the caregiving role. This is your time to experiment, to get your feet wet and see what works. This is your opportunity to learn how the health care industry works with, or in some cases, against you. Now is the time to shape your caregiving personality: What duties are you comfortable with? What duties make you uncomfortable? How well are you and your caree getting along? What situations would create overwhelming stresses for both of you?

This is also the time when you get a feel for the present and future budgets needed to provide the care your caree requires.

In addition, keep up with your hobbies and interests (you may be able only to keep the ones that you enjoy most), ensuring you have made a habit of spending time on your own, enjoying yourself.

As a “freshman carer,” what can you do?

1. Learn as much as you can about your caree’s illness, disease or condition. Consult the local branches or chapters of national organizations such as The Arthritis Foundation, the Alzheimer’s Association, The Cancer Society. What does the future hold for you and your caree?

2. Learn how to provide proper care from health care professionals or from health care videos, manuals or books. If your caree is hospitalized or receives short-term therapy at a nursing home, ask the staff to show you proper caregiving techniques: lifting, transfers, bathing. Or, search the Internet for hands-on care information.

It’s very difficult to provide care when you are unsure of what you’re doing. You’ll feel much better when you’re confident of your skills.

3. Join a support group–online or in your community. It’s so isolating to be a carer! Support groups will hook you up with others in similar situations; often, you’ll learn of community resources and options from other carers that you were not aware of.

4. Count on regular breaks from caregiving. Plan for regular breaks–an hour daily, an afternoon weekly, or a day monthly–whatever you can manage. Enlist the help of relatives and community services (such as a volunteer group at your local church) so you can take time off regularly. Relatives can help in many ways–through financial support, social support (calling the caree regularly just “to talk”) as well as respite support.

5. Rely on help from community organizations. Meals on Wheels, home care agencies and day care centers, to name just a few, may offer services that your caree needs.

Contact your local Area Agency on Aging for a listing of services and organizations in your community. Visit your local medical equipment supply store to find devices and gadgets that enhance your caree’s abilities–and independence from you. Remember, allowing the help of others is a sign of strength.

In addition, ask about local, state or federal programs that might provide financial assistance for you and/or your caree. As your caree’s care needs increase, so will the costs associated with his or her care. Understanding what programs can help, in addition to understanding what your caree can afford, will help you plan appropriately for the future.

6. Keep your caree’s wishes in mind. If appropriate, ask for his or her input and ideas. Does your caree still feel good about living at home? What does your caree fear or dread? (These are also good questions to ask yourself!)

7. Reflect the changes in your journal. How do you feel now? What are your concerns? Fears? What outcomes are you working toward? What losses have you noticed during this period? What changes in the relationship cause you to feel sad? What changes have given you comfort?

8. Start a second journal that you use to detail your caree’s needs and your caregiving responsibilities. Note any changes in your caree’s health and condition so that you can confidently discuss your concerns during physician appointments. Use your journal as a caregiving manual, which will help when others step in to provide care. Continue to chronicle your caregiving journey in your first journal. What causes you to mourn?

9. Create the habit of regularly holding family meetings. And, if you and your caree share a household with other family members (including children), consider creating House Rules. Rules for the household include:

–Who does what, how and when; –Guidelines for fights, fun, and festivals (celebrations); –Schedule of meetings and their purposes; –Expectations in regard to support, engagement and participation.

10. Manage the money: Develop a budget, keep track of expenses, set up a filing system for bills and receipts. Keep your caree’s expenses separate from yours and your family’s. Keep track (and receipts) of any of your caree’s bills that you pay. If you’re overwhelmed, consider having a professional, like a financial planner or bank trust officer, oversee your caree’s financial situation, including paying bills.

11. Start a Solutions Fund so you can hire solutions. The account funds solutions for boredom, breaks and back-up plans. Contribute a monthly amount; allow yourself flexibility in how you use the monthly budget. Use the fund for your caree, for the house, for you.

Use the Solutions Fund for your caree to hire services such as home health, adult day or to purchase games.

Use the fund for your house (or your caree’s) to hire cleaning service, lawn maintenance, snow removal. The fund buys you services from a counselor or life coach, or for pampering services, adult education classes and activities.

Ask family members to contribute to your Solutions Fund.

12. Have back-up plans and then back-up plans for your back-up plan. Ask yourself, “What if…” and then create a plan to manage the “What if’s.” If it can happen, most likely it will. Be ready with a plan. A geriatric care manager can be invaluable in developing your back-up plans.

13. Build your own paradise of privacy. Call a spare bedroom or a corner in the basement your own. Add your favorite things (books, chocolate, candles, scrapbook, journal, music, TV, videos, photography, family photos) to make the space a retreat you love to use.

14. Continue to maintain your healthy lifestyle. Take note when the stress causes too much comfort food or too few walks. One of your best defenses against the impact of stress is a healthy lifestyle.

15. An apple a day… What’s your apple in this stage? What helps you to feel good on a daily basis? Enjoy your apple every day.

Stage 3: The Entrenched Carer

Who are you?

Your involvement with your caree is almost daily–if not constant. Your caree may live with you–or your involvement means that your day is structured to be available to your caree. You begin to wonder, how much longer can you live this way? Your mood is sometimes upbeat–you’re proud you’ve been able to provide such wonderful care and make decisions that support your caree’s best wishes–and sometimes melancholy–why you? You’ve been mourning the loss of your caree’s abilities and functions and often long for the days before caregiving. And, you’re tired.

Your Keyword: Receive

–Receive help–from anyone who offers; –Receive breaks from caregiving; –Receive support.

Your Challenge

To find the support and strength to continue.

Your Purpose

To develop a routine, create a familiar schedule for both yourself and your caree. A routine will help you deal with the overwhelming stresses and responsibilities that wear you out. A routine will provide comfort for you and your caree–this stage may be the most difficult for both of you. The changes you prepared for in Stage I and II are now a reality–you have become something of a lifeline to a family member or friend.

In addition to your caree’s routine of care, create a routine for yourself. In your routine include: Time for the unexpected; a ritual which begins and ends your day; and a “healthness” activity that nurtures your spiritual, emotional, physical, mental needs.

As an “entrenched carer,” what can you do?

1. Determine your limits in your day and in your role. How long can your caree remain at home? What’s your comfort level in providing care in your home? For instance, some family carers feel uncomfortable providing care when their caree becomes incontinent. Others determine they can provide care at home as long as insurance or Medicare benefits offset some of the home care expenses. Others feel they can provide care as long as their other family members, like spouses and adult children, will put up with it.

Just as important as understanding your limits in your role is recognizing your limits during your day. Consider:

–Which tasks and responsibilities feel like a struggle? –What times during the day do you feel the greatest amount of stress? –When do you find yourself running late, losing your temper, scrambling for a solution? –What do you find yourself dreading or hating? –When do you find yourself in a tug-of-war with your caree? –What times of the day are tough for your caree? –When during the day does your worry about your caree intensify?

When you understand your limits, you can look for help to manage what’s beyond your limits. Understanding your limits will ensure you, your caree and your family will stay in a safe place.

Everyone has limits. What are yours?

2. What are your caree’s limits? Understanding your caree’s limits will help schedule your day and organize your help. Limits will change regularly, so be aware of change in tolerance and fatigue. Not sure how much help to schedule? Add more than you think. You can never have too much.

3. Continue regular breaks. Consider annual weekly breaks–investigate short-term respite stays in your community’s nursing homes. Or, ask relatives to take over the caregiving role for a week or two every year or every two years. Continue to take daily, weekly and monthly breaks. Keep up with your own interests and hobbies as best you can. Take time to enjoy the paradise you built in Stage II.

4. Use your Solutions Fund. Make deposits and take withdrawals, using the money for boredom, breaks and back-up plans.

5. Keep up with a support system–a carer’s support group or empathetic and understand family members or friends.

6. Continue to learn about your caree’s illness or condition. What’s next for your caree? Are you up to the next steps in his or her illness?

7. Increase help as your caree declines. Become comfortable with adding more help as more help is needed. You may think, “I’m okay keeping the level of help as it is.” Unfortunately, keeping the level where your caree was rather than where he or she is will hurt both of you. Note the struggles in the day, then work to add help for you and your caree to manage the struggles.

8. Manage the budget as much as you manage the care. As care needs increase, so does the budget. When you caree has funds to pay for about 18 months in a nursing home, then take note of the situation. This is the time to consider nursing home placement, when your caree’s funds will afford the best choices. Hold a family meeting, tour local facilities, consult with professionals, such as a geriatric care manager. You may decide this isn’t the time to decide. That’s okay. It’s important to be aware that sometimes the budget determines the decision on where a caree continues to receive care.

9. Continue writing in both journals—yours and the other about your caree.

10. Forgive yourself for your bad moments and bad days. They will happen. After they do, give yourself a clean slate to start over.

11. Set boundaries which protect: Your Time; Your Values; Your Well-being, Your Priorities; Your Self. Examples of communicating boundaries include:

–“I’m taking a two-hour break after lunch. I have everything that you’ll need set up in the living room. Thank you so much for helping me enjoy this time. I’m so grateful for your support.” –“I’m uncomfortable with the tone of our discussion. Let’s table our talk until tomorrow.” –“I’m booked, so can’t handle that request. Thank you for thinking of me.”

12. Give you and your caree room for your difficult moments and bad days. When you’re having a tough time, simply say: “I’m having a bad day. I’m taking a few minutes for myself.” When it’s your caree’s turn, say, “I’m sorry you’re having a bad day. I’m going to step away for a few moments.”

13. An apple a day… What’s your apple in this stage? You may feel tempted to sacrifice your apple in this stage. Your apple can’t be sacrificed. Your apple is what makes you feel normal, like yourself. Keep it.

Stage 4: The Pragmatic Carer

Who are you?

You’ve been through it all: hospital admission and discharges; short-term rehab stays in nursing homes; a vast array of community services. You may appear to doubt the advice given by health care professionals; you’ve just been through the health care system long enough to know that sometimes health care professionals may not seem to have your best interest in mind. Some family members and health care professionals worry about your ability to find humor in situations they find offensive. They view your attitude as “calloused” and “uncaring.” Far from it, you have a very practical, very realistic approach toward your caregiving role–and your sense of humor has been a critical tool for your survival. Without your sense of humor, you would have given up a long time ago.

Your Keyword: Welcome

–Welcome the joys of your relationship; –Welcome forgiveness (of yourself, of your caree, of other family members and friends); –Welcome shared activities.

Your Challenge

To gain a greater understanding of yourself and your caree.

Your Purpose

To gain a better understanding of yourself and your caree. You’ve settled into your role and your routine; now is your opportunity to step back and reflect. The first three stages laid the groundwork for this stage, your period of personal growth.

As a “pragmatic carer,” what can you do?

1. Work on finding joy in your relationship with your caree. The biggest joy-killer are your hands-on duties: bathing, dressing, incontinence care. But these duties bring you together, this is your time together. Add some fun to your hands-on care: sing songs, tell jokes, share goals and dreams.  

2. Work on forgiving your caree for past hurts. Resentment toward past wrong and injustices will make your present caregiving role very difficult. Let go of what was and concentrate on making what is healthy and productive. Forgiving your caree is one of the best ways you take care of yourself.  

3. Develop a habit of enjoying shared activities. Develop a routine of time shared as husband-wife, mother-daughter, father-son rather than as just carer and caree. Releasing the roles of carer and caree allows you to enjoy each other.

4. Begin to think about your future. What goals have you yet to achieve? How can you achieve them? How can your caree help you achieve them?

5. An apple a day… What’s your apple in this stage? What helps you to feel good on a daily basis? You may feel like trying something new. That’s good! You can never have too many apples.

Stage 5: The Transitioning Carer

Who are you?

You’ve been caring for a period of time and now can sense the end.

Your Keyword: Allow

–Allow time to mourn and grieve; –Allow remembrances to remain; –Allow reflections of your experiences.

Your Challenge

To stop the “doing” of caregiving and focus on the “being.” You’re used to doing and going. Now, it’s time to simply be with your caree.

Your Purpose

To walk with your caree during his last months and weeks, implementing his or her decisions about end-of-life care that you both discussed during Stage 1 (or as soon as you could). As you both feel the journey end, this is also a time to mourn and grief. And, this stage is about loving and feeling good about the shared journey. You also will begin to question and worry about the next chapter in your life.

As a “transitioning carer,” what can you do?

1. Use your best judgment as to when you take breaks. You now have a limited amount of time to spend with your caree. Trust your gut and spend as much time as feels right for you. When others encourage you to take a break and you know it’s not the right time, let them know: “Time with my caree is my priority. I appreciate your concern. I’m okay.”

2. Allow yourself time to mourn and grieve. You are experiencing tremendous losses. You’ll feel it.

3. Remember your caree. You don’t have to give away clothes or remove pictures–until you want to. When family and friends seem hesitant to talk about your caree (they worry they will upset you), assure them that sharing memories, laughs and stories brings you great comfort.

4. Reflect back on your caregiving responsibilities and decisions with pride. Find comfort in knowing that you did the best you could.

5. Review your journal. How are you different today than you were on the day you first started writing in your journal? How will you use this experience to enhance your future relationships?

6. An apple a day… What’s your apple in this stage? You may feel that an apple in this stage is unnecessary. Take an apple. It’s what keeps you feeling like you. 7. After Giving. Connect with other former family carers adjusting to a life after caregiving.

Stage 6: The Godspeed Carer

Who are you?

Your role as carer ended more than two years ago. You find yourself compelled to make a difference in the lives of other carers. You share information readily with carers in the earlier stages, you start a business dedicated to helping family carers or you find a job in which you assist family carers. And, you treasure each relationship you have in your life, recognizing that each day, and your health, should never be taken for granted.

Your Keyword: Treasure

–Treasure your dreams; –Treasure your challenges which led to your opportunities and new skills; –Treasure your opportunities to share lessons learned; –Treasure memories of your caree.

Your Challenge

To integrate your former role as a carer into your new life

Your Purpose

To implement your lessons learned from your role as carer, from your caree and from your family members and friends. During this stage, which can last as long you wish, even your lifetime, you reap the benefits of your efforts.

As a “Godspeed Carer,” what can you do?

1. Follow your dreams. Make your goals a reality.

2. Family carers will look to you as a mentor and leader. Allow carers in earlier stages the same freedom to stumble and steady themselves that you had. Share your experiences with expectant carers, freshman carers, entrenched carers and pragmatic carers. They can learn from you!

3. Treasure the memories you have of your caree. Continue to remember your caree regularly through rituals, such as enjoying an ice cream cone in her honor on her birthday, or by planting trees in his honor. Reading and reviewing your diary will be a great way to remember. Of course, your best memorial to your caree’s memory is a life you build for yourself filled with healthy relationships, productive careers and joy and laughter.

4. An apple a day… Your apples kept you going. Now, consider how you’ll use them to create your future. How did your apples change? How did you change? What would you like to try next? Go for it. The world is your apple.

5. After Giving. Connect with other former family carers adjusting to a life after caregiving.

Last Updated on September 9, 2022

Agitation causes 180-degree changes in mood

What caused this zero to sixty 180-degree change in mood?

It’s a normal day and everything seems to be going well. Then, all of a sudden, your care receiver begins pacing, muttering, and would not answer any questions. You are trying to find out what is happening. They have Parkinson’s disease, but this has never happened before.

Agitation is common in Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, Lewy body dementia, Multiple sclerosis, Chronic pain, other dementias, Bipolar disorder, Autism, Personality disorder, Substance abuse disorder, Depression, and other chronic health conditions. How can the caregiver help with restlessness? Remember, it isn’t just agitation in dementia that is a problem.  You will see agitation in people living with dementia, people living with Parkinson’s disease, and those with MS, but the cause of the agitation may not be so easy to figure out.

March 29, 2023


Agitation is a feeling of uneasiness, aggravation, or restlessness. Irritability and feeling tense are also common signs of agitation. Agitation can be brought on with little to no provocation. Not all agitation gets aggressive, but sometimes, it does. Become more aware of agitation signs and symptoms. The goal is to de-escalate the situation.

Your loved one (care receiver) may or may not be aware that they are agitated. Agitation has been described using these statements:  “I can’t sit still.” “I can’t stay in one place, I have to move, I don’t like it here.” “I have to move.” They may pitch a temper tantrum, throw things, and start accusing you of messing with their “stuff.” Even asking the same question over and over is a form of agitation,

Parkinson’s disease

People with Parkinson’s disease or other cognitive decline disorders commonly have some type of psychosis. Psychosis(some type of disconnect with reality) includes hallucinations, delusions, or paranoia. You may also see impulsive or compulsive behaviors too. Agitated behavior is quite common in the mid to later stages. 

This is where you marshal up your strength and do what needs to be done. You must remain calm. Remember, you are de-escalating the situation. You are not trying to win or be right. You cannot use logic when anyone is in the throes of an agitated state. They are not being logical; they can’t be logical. The amygdala part of their brain has been activated and everything else has been hijacked. Think fight, flight, fawn, or freeze actions.

As best that you can try to figure out what happened in the previous 30 minutes.

Causes of Agitation:

Happening in or to the body

·       Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)

·       Head injury, Stroke, Seizure

·       Infection

·       Low oxygen levels

·       Organ failure

·       Too cold or too hot

·       Pain or Discomfort

·       Needing to pee or poop

·       Dehydration

·       Vision problems

Mental or Behavior health issues

·       Dementia – any type

·       Sundowning

·       Psychosis

·       Disruption of sleep (nightmares, sleep apnea, sleepwalking or talking, nighttime seizures)

·       PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder)

·       Disruptive patterns of thinking

·       Bipolar disorders

Substance use or abuse

·       Alcohol

·       Narcotics (pain meds)

·       Stimulants (caffeine, thyroid medications, corticosteroids, asthma medications, seizure medications, Parkinson’s disease medications, ADHD medications)

·       Hallucinogens (Cocaine, LSD, Ecstasy)

·       Toxins (pesticides, heavy metals,)

Medical interventions

·       Post-operative anesthesia

·       Sedation

·       Withdrawal from drugs

·       Withdrawal from alcohol

·       Drug-Drug interaction

·       Long wait times

·       Perception of unfair treatment

What to do to de-escalate the situation and decrease the agitation:

First, assess the situation for violence. Agitation may include physical aggression. What are they doing and what is close at hand for a weapon? What do they look like? Look at their breathing, eyes, and skin. What do you observe? They may be unable to express what they are feeling or what is happening to them. You may have heard the phrase “old man strength.” It is real and it is not just the men that have the strength either. The women do too. Remember, it is changes in the brain that are driving some of this behavior. 

Problems to look for:

·       Shallow, rapid breathing

·       Pupils dilated

·       Flushed or reddening of the skin

·       Sweating

How are they acting?

·       Throwing things

·       Clenching of fists

·       Irritable

·       Hostile behaviors

De-escalate; Decrease Agitation: 

If the area is safe, remain calm and talk in a low soft voice. Show compassion for their concerns. Use plain and simple language. Short sentences and do not be condescending. People with any type of dementia or cognitive impairment can experience restlessness and agitation. 

Listen to them and remain respectful. Acknowledge their frustrations and perceptions. You don’t have to agree with them to acknowledge what they are feeling or believing. Ask open-ended questions, not yes-no questions, you want them to talk and try to explain what they are feeling. Do not pepper them with questions. Be conversational. They may not know exactly what is going on or why they are feeling this way. You are trying to manage the agitation and decrease their restless feelings and anxiety. 

Try to get them to go to a neutral, calm area to decrease the stimulation they are experiencing.

You can assess the environment later, right now, the goal is to de-escalate and calm down. After they are calmed down, you can try to redirect their attention to a soothing activity. Watching a movie, listening to music, watching a TV show, or doing an art project. Maybe it is time for some physical activity to get rid of that excess energy.

Next steps

You will have to determine if this is an unusual situation or if it is becoming more and more common. Talk with your doctor, your loved one may need an evaluation to find the possible cause or triggers. If you haven’t done so, you will need to look at the home or environment they are in when the behavior occurs. Lighting, shadows, figurines, plants, and smells will all need to be evaluated as possible triggers.

Care partners (caregivers) can become agitated, too. Caregiving is hard when a loved one has dementia, it is even more difficult when your loved one with dementia has agitation and feels restless. Not only do you have to try and manage the dementia patient, but you also have to manage your own behavior, frustration, and agitation too. Most of the time it is a medical condition, underlying illness, or something that is making them uncomfortable that drives the behavior. 


Learning to accept help is hard.

I have started this freaking blog, three times. I can’t seem to get going with it. Why? Because my mind is racing and I don’t want to deal with the emotional “stuff” that I am going to have to deal with. How can I tell you to learn to accept help when I have had trouble accepting help? Maybe, I can use some of my experiences so you don’t have to be as stressed as I was. Our own thoughts, feelings, and stressors keep us from accepting help much less asking for help. Look at us in our Superman power pose. We can handle all. We can do all. And we truly can until the needs of our loved one takes up so much time and energy that we have nothing left to give. This happens about 18 months to two years in the helping process. February 22, 2023 When I can help someone, I do. I don’t think a thing about helping them nor do I keep track or a “tab”, if you will. I am sure there are many people out there who are the same way. Just as I am sure that there are people that do keep score. Find the people who do not keep score and are willing and able to help each other out when needed. We can’t do it all. We do need help. We need a written list. It doesn’t have to be things for your loved one, it can be things for you or the house. Things that others can do for you to help ease the stress. What would help you? It is often hard to think about what would help us when we are put on the spot with an offer of help.

Caregivers Refuse to Ask For Help

Too often we think all the help needs to be for our loved one or we should not ask for help because we are the caregiver. Nope, wrong again. What could someone do for you to free up time for you to get your paying job done? What could someone do for you so that you can spend more quality time with your loved one? I want you to think and consider all of the things that do not require you personally to handle. There are quite a few, aren’t there? Write them down on a piece of paper and place them on the refrigerator. Think of it as delegating certain tasks so that you can be fresh, rested, and in a better frame of mind to help your loved one. Let’s face it, if you don’t take care of your health and your needs too, you will become ill and you can be in worse physical health than the person you are caring for…then who will take care of your loved one?

Let them pick what they want to help you with

Let them pick what they want to do from your list. Most of us have things that we can do and will do and we also have things we hate to do. Don’t expect someone to do something that they hate doing. Since you aren’t making them or expecting them to do something that they hate…you don’t have to feel guilty about asking for some help. People who express the desire to help really do want to provide care for you so that you are able to provide personal care and a great quality of care. Be open to accepting support from others. Our own personal barriers get in the way of asking for help or accepting help. Most of the time it is the negative head trash talk that gets in our way.

Examples of barriers that caregivers have in accepting or asking for help:

    • Do you feel selfish if you take care of your own wants and needs?
    • Do you feel like a failure if you have to ask for help?
    • Do you feel that you have to prove something? (being worthy, loving, caring)
    • Do you feel responsible? Are you truly responsible or is that a false narrative?
    • Do you find yourself saying, “If I don’t do it, no one else will do it?”
    • Do you find yourself saying,” Family takes care of family?”
    • Do you keep hearing the promise that you made, playing over and over in your mind?
    • Do you have the inability to let go of control?
    • Do you have guilt over leaving your loved one for a short time?
    • Do you have trouble feeling that no one else can “do it right?”

Reframe and Look for Solutions

Reframe the way that you view things. Look for solutions to the problems. The problems are things that get in your way of sleep, rest, physical activity, alone time, and being in the best frame of mind and shape that you can be in to provide the best care for your loved one. What are some solutions that will remedy these things? One of the best things to remember is to use “I” statements. As in, “I need…” “I want …” Do not say, “You need to…” No hinting allowed. No one can read your mind. If someone asks you what they can do, don’t even think that you are a burden. You aren’t. You are important to them and they want to help you. Don’t rob someone of a blessing when they want to do something to help. Caregiving is hard. Being a caregiver is hard. Caregiving is sometimes a burden. Don’t misunderstand…the person is not a burden. I want you to be able to recognize that caregiver burnout is real and it can happen to anyone. You do need help and you do need to rest. Admit what you cannot do. Admit what you can no longer do. The struggle is the fight inside your own mind. When you accept things that you cannot do, you allow your brain to look for other solutions. Pat

Who is messing with your routine?

Mess with a person’s daily routine and find out what happens…

How do you feel when someone messes with your routine? Aggravated, pissed off, out of sorts, or off your game for the rest of the day. Very few folks can let it roll off their backs and move on without any negative feelings.

We are all creatures of our own habits. From what we do first thing in the morning to how we get dressed. Our habits are so ingrained in us that we don’t have to waste our precious brain energy to think about what to do. We just “do.” Everything goes off without a hitch, UNTIL…

February 15, 2023

Daily Routines

We need help getting dressed and our helper does things the way that they do them for themselves. Unfortunately, it is not how we do things for ourselves. Talk about trouble and aggravation and a few dammits are thrown in for good measure. We may be dressed but we are all out of sorts and are not happy. Routines can really help people with dementia. 

Do this experiment

Try this and you will see what I mean. Stand up and relax with your arms by your side. Cross your arms over your chest. Look down and see which arm is on top. Left over Right or Right over Left. Now, relax them back down to your sides and do it the opposite way. Some of you can’t do it without a struggle. Some of you can do it but it sure feels strange.

Put on your jacket the “normal” way for you. Left arm in first or Right arm in first. Take it off and put it on again using the opposite arm. How does that make you feel? Kind of out of sorts? Now you are aware of how it feels to you. Now you can imagine how it feels to your caree too. You may have wondered why they were not helping you more and it seemed to be more of a struggle than it should have been. Now, you know. You weren’t doing things the way that they have always done them for themselves. You were throwing their routine off and their brain was having to figure out what in the hell was going on and how to compensate all the while their brain was screaming inside because you were doing it wrong!

Understand that people with dementia and, really all of us, have a daily routine

My goal is to get you to understand that we all have our own ways that feel right and good to us. It is comfortable, safe, and secure for us. When we feel comfortable, safe, and secure we are much more agreeable, and our attitude is much better. It is the little things that matter.

Some of you may be thinking, “I just want to get it done.” I understand that feeling. If you want to get it done more easily and with much less stress, then do it their way and you will be done in less time and have a better day.

Freebie for you

I have a document named “My Way.” It is about 12 pages, and it lists things that almost all of us do each day plus some things that we like to do, watch or listen to. It will be helpful to you and your loved one to let each other know what and how you like to do “things.” Send me an email with My Way in the Subject line and I will email you a copy.